Error after updating to the latest version
I get the below error after updating to v 2.14.0
Function yit_maybe_plugin_fw_loader does not exist anywhere in the files.
Chyba typu E_ERROR bola sp?sobená v riadku 93 súboru /home/u575459654/domains/ Chybové hlásenie: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function yit_maybe_plugin_fw_loader() in /home/u575459654/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/u575459654/domains/ include_once()
#1 /home/u575459654/domains/ require_once(‘/home/u57545965…’)
#2 /home/u575459654/domains/ require_once(‘/home/u57545965…’)
#3 /home/u575459654/domains/ require_once(‘/home/u57545965…’)
#4 /home/u575459654/domains/ require_once(‘/home/u57545965…’)
#5 {main}
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