• titorodriguez


    CSS done , Excluded minify on WP varnish.

    Stilll making error. 403

    URL: https://www.drtitorodriguezbouza.com
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    Cookie Domain: https://www.drtitorodriguezbouza.com
    CURL Library Present: Yes
    CSS path: /home/drtitoro/public_html/drtitorodriguezbouza.com/wp-content/uploads/trustindex-google-widget.css
    PHP Info:
    Version: 7.4.33
    Memory Usage: 25.93MB
    Memory Limit: 512M
    Max Upload Size: 128M
    Max Post Size: 128M
    Allow URL fopen: On
    Allow URL Include: Off
    Display Errors: Off
    Max Script Execution Time: 300 seconds
    WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL: not defined
    WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS: not defined
    Plugin: Widgets para rese?as de Google
    Plugin Version: 12.4.3
    active: 1
    page-details: {
    “id”: “ChIJfxzKY8QpQg0RirLIwSP3cG4”,
    “name”: “drtitorodriguezbouza , Alerg\u00f3logo ( especialista en alergia )”,
    “address”: “C. de Hermosilla, 48, Salamanca, 28001 Madrid, Spain”,
    “avatar_url”: “https:\/\/lh5.googleusercontent.com\/-WnUO-1hwGPQ\/AAAAAAAAAAI\/AAAAAAAAAAA\/3QCeqXkWDqw\/s160-c-k-mo\/photo.jpg”,
    “rating_number”: 314,
    “rating_score”: 5
    subscription-id: 2b09104gc
    style-id: 4






    La evaluación general en PLATFORM_NAME es RATING_SCORE de RATING_SCALE, en base a RATING_NUMBER rese?as

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Laca



    To better assist you with your troubleshooting, could you please paste the entire troubleshooting text?

    You can conveniently do this by using Pastebin.
    Simply copy the troubleshooting text, paste it on the site, and share the link with us.

    This will help us review all details thoroughly and respond with a precise solution as quickly as possible.

    Thank you for your cooperation!

    Best regards,
    Laca from Trustindex

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