• hebhansen


    Hey Beautiful Theme

    How cool it is you came alive. Congrats to all that participated. I know you are busy, however, some things remain unclear to me and others may have the same questions., so before upgrade to TT5, here are a few questions that went unanswered under TT4:

    Scope – Child theme under TT4 and here TT5 asap. Latest WordPress and Woo

    1. I try to leverage from theme.json all I can such as create my variables and styling inside child T.J (theme.json) I have set TJ to version 3 and I assume this will work with TT5. After initiating the child, I have suffered immensely from fonts being incorrect, switching at will and opposite on computer while correct on mobile. Fx. paragraphs would be Cardo when set to default, which should be inter and headings at default would show as inter. I did not set any font stuff in T.J, so what can cause this and is it fixed for TT5?
    2. Everytime I switch theme I loose everything custom in FSE. This is one of my primary 5 bullits why I went child theme. Redoing everything for multiple sites is just not alright. Has this been sorted for TT5?
    3. I started out in just TT4. Edited Templates and more. That means some of my stuff has the original name and slug. Ere you for TT5 using the same template names and slugs, cause if so I will not see your templates, since they are overwritten by child. How can I fix this best?
    4. If required that I custom name and change slug to not overwrite TT5 stuff, has a duplicate template option been added in TT5 / latest WordPress? I wonder if I should switch to TT5 first and then rename templates or I should do it in TT4 first and after upgrade?
    5. Is TT5 Version 2 or Version 3 T.J?
    6. Headers and footers go everywhere in FSE sites. Again they are lost at theme upgrades. I have custom of both with own name and slug. Can you confirm that, since I have child theme, they will this time survive?
    7. Has Wp / TT5 started enqueing style.css child so that I can remove this function from functions.php child, Or do I leave it in? Why? Almost all plugins have simply not transitioned into the world of T.J, hence, style.css is a must. That’s why.
    8. In my css I use theme.json variables extensively for anything and all to adapt to WordPress FSE upgrades or a style change. Fx. var( ………..–font-size–medium ) / color–base-2 etc. etc. Are there any changes to the default variables in TT5. Is there anywhere a doc regarding new variables added in latest WordPress and TT5.

    Again thx for your efforts. I am super excited about this.

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  • Hi

    I did not understand all the questions.

    2) No. It is not possible for a theme like TT5 to change how the user’s customisations are saved. The theme is limited to what is made possible by WordPress. Many settings and features that are built into WordPress can not be changed by themes.

    3) All themes need to follow what is called the template hierarchy. It means that template files must have certain names for WordPress to be able to load them.
    Custom page templates may have custom names. The answer is that some templates will have the same name, and some wont. TT4 has more custom templates than TT5.

    4) No. The theme is limited to what is made possible by WordPress. WordPress 6.7 does not have an option to duplicate templates.
    – I would assume that the purpose of adding a template in a child theme is to override (replace) the template that is in the parent theme. So I don’t know why you would have the template in the child theme, if you don’t want it to replace the parent.

    5) TT5 uses theme.json version 3, which is the latest.

    7) TT5 enqueues style.css on the front and an editor stylesheet in the editors.

    8) You will need to look in the theme.json file and the JSON files in the styles folder to see the variables that the theme is using.

    Thread Starter hebhansen


    I have now pointed child theme over to TT5 as parent theme.

    1. Inconsistent fonts. As signed in I saw left side and as incognito not user I see right side. This was TT4. I will give TT5 some time to establish. For now it looks like it sorted itself in TT5 and I am still puzzled what is going on.
    2. You are misunderstanding. Ignore child theme. Switching to TT3 and later TT4 I needed to setup almost everything over again. Headers gone footers, you name it. This has been going on for years. Why does WordPress themes not check for customisation and port it?
    3. Here are my child theme templates, that I simply copy pasted from TT4 and dropped into child. Some are wp and some are custom. Do I need to rename and change the slug to be able to see the TT5 templates. This process is nowhere in documentation. How do I name a template. How do I name the slug. How do I get custom into child theme. Will parent templates be viewable in child?
    4. Why is there no Duplicate option for templates that ensure/prompts for new name and new slug. You are inviting to leave customisation in default templates only to see it gone at upgrades. I simply don’t get why this is not highest priority above all! You assume that my custom template should overwrite???? Why not customise one and then have default for other purposes.
    5. Great so do I in child
    6. Same issue as mentioned earlier. Appears to have no attention at all. Imagine a site of 100 pages. Headers and footers get lost since you switch to TT5. Now that same issue persists in 50 other sites on a multisite install. Or I am simply getting this part wrong.
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