Hi guys
Footer looks like
$pageinfo = array(‘full_name’ => ‘Footer Options’, ‘optionname’=>’footer’, ‘child’=>true, ‘filename’ => basename(__FILE__));
$options = array (
array( “type” => “open”),
array( “type” => “group”),
array( “name” => “Contact Button Line 1”,
“desc” => “Enter the first line of text to display within your contact button.”,
“id” => “button1”,
“std” => “Contact Form”,
“size” => 20,
“type” => “text”),
array( “name” => “Contact Button Line 2”,
“desc” => “Enter the second line of text to display within your contact button.”,
“id” => “button2”,
“std” => “get in touch with us”,
“size” => 20,
“type” => “text”),
array( “name” => “Button Link”,
“desc” => “Select the Page the button should link to”,
“id” => “button_link”,
“type” => “dropdown”,
“subtype” => “page”),
array( “type” => “group”),
array( “name” => “Copyright Text”,
“desc” => “Enter your copyright text here”,
“id” => “copyright”,
“std” => “This site uses valid HTML and CSS. All content Copyright © 2010 DISPLAY, Inc”,
“size” => 75,
“type” => “text”),
array( “type” => “group”),
array( “name” => “Facebook Account”,
“desc” => “Enter the name of your facebook account to create a small icon link within your footer”,
“id” => “acc_fb”,
“std” => “”,
“size” => 20,
“type” => “text”),
array( “name” => “Flickr Account”,
“desc” => “Enter the name of your flickr account to create a small icon link within your footer (looks something like this: 34166943@N05 )”,
“id” => “acc_fl”,
“std” => “”,
“size” => 20,
“type” => “text”),
array( “name” => “Twitter Account”,
“desc” => “Enter the name of your twitter account to create a small icon link within your footer”,
“id” => “acc_tw”,
“std” => “”,
“size” => 20,
“type” => “text”),
array( “type” => “group”),
array( “type” => “close”)
Im not totally clueless when it comes to php and the 1, 2, 3, 4 columns can be edited from the widget area but I just cant seem to remove the search and contact options on the right side