hello can you please help me, I sell digital products and I dont need this https://prnt.sc/mZfw67hKhrH6 how I can hide or remove this from page? thank you
Thanks for reaching out! Based on the screenshot, it looks like that may be a feature of either your current theme or a plugin being used, as displaying the shipping details in that way on the single product page, is not default to WooCommerce core.
However, to make sure that Shipping is disabled for Downloadable products, you’ll need to check that you’ve marked the Product as “Virtual” as well as “Downloadable” on the Product edit page, like so:
This should disable shipping details being displayed for downloadable/virtual products. Can you give this a go and see if that does the trick? You can also read more about Virtual/Downloadable products here:
If this makes no difference, you’ll need to check what’s causing this to display on the Single product page. To do this, can you please run through a conflict test. You can read more on how to test for conflicts here:?https://woocommerce.com/document/how-to-test-for-conflicts/