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  • that is standard behaviour for dynamic sidebars
    – what you see when you install the theme for the first time, and if you don’t have widgets in your aadmin-appearance-widgets-widget areas, are some hardcocded space holders (which look like widgets).

    these will disappear the moment when you dragt you first real widget in to the widget area.

    Thread Starter Ruller


    Yes, when I drag a real widget “Blogroll and Categories” are still there, not disappear

    ok, i got this wrong;

    the code for the right sidebar is in footer.php – which is encrypted with a copyright warning.

    although looking at functions.php – the right sidebar seems to be dynamic as well – so in theory there should be a widget area in admin for the right sidebar

    you already confirmed this – however, it is the same with the left sidebar – against usual theme-coding the default codes stay even if you drag widgets into the areas.

    Thread Starter Ruller


    Still have this problem. Someone who have time free and 1 host to upload this template and try to delete “Blogroll and Catgories” from right sidebar..

    Who knows how to delete them or make them disappear. pls help…

    Thread Starter Ruller


    In sidebar.php I have only this code

    <!– Sidebar –>
    <div class=”sidebar”>


      <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’); ?>


      <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly’); ?>

    <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(1) ) : ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– Sidebar –>

    And is not a problem? Because the template have only 1 sidebar.php should not have 2? (sidebar1.php)?

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