Hi Tessa, first of all thanks for your kind and detailed answer. ??
Right after posting, teased by the label If shortcode, it must return only option or optgroup HTML, I started searching the docs and found a couple of useful resources.
I eventually ended up with this somewhat inelegant, temporary solution, even if I actually don’t know if it really works because all of a sudden (probably for a mail server issue), CF7 stopped working (this is NOT related with DTX: uninstalling it and testing a regular CF7 form results in no mail sent anyway):
function au_cf7dtx_userdata_init(){
add_shortcode('au_display_userdata', 'au_cf7dtx_userdata_shortcode');
add_action('init', 'au_cf7dtx_userdata_init');
function au_cf7dtx_userdata_shortcode($atts = array(), $content = '', $tag = ''){
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$s = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'trekkers_data', true) ?? false;
if (!empty($s)) {
$trekkers = $s['trekkers_data']['trekkers'];
$levels = $s['trekkers_data']['levels'];
$one_element = count($levels) === 1 ? 'checked onclick="this.checked = true;"' : '';
$r = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($levels); $i++) {
$r .= '<input type="checkbox" name="checktrekkers[]" value="' . $levels[$i] . '" '.$one_element.'><label for="g' . $i . '"> ' . $trekkers[$i] . '</label>';
return $r;
} else {
// still dunno
This could output 1 pre-checked item if there’s only one item in the trekkers array.
Now, even if I still don’t know if this function works, I have two questions:
- if it is possible to completely replace the checkboxes with an hidden field in case there’s only one item in the array: I suppose it is not possible, because if you declare in CF7 you want checkboxes, you can’t magically turn them into hidden fields;
- it should not happen, but it could happen, one thing (check the ‘still dunno’ comment area): what could I do if $s is empty? In that case, is there any way to output something different, eg. a label with a simple warning?
Thanks! ??