Can you describe the issue a bit more – is the page always partially translated or just on the first time loading it? Are you using eTranslation as MT provider?
As the plugin depends on external MT service (e.g. eTranslation), it has a translation timeout built in, so that page is still loaded in case if MT service is not working or is very slow. In such cases page will be translated partially or not at all. When plugin receives translations from eTranslation, it will update them in background and they will be loaded on the next page refresh. The default value for this timeout is 10s. You can increase this timeout (or disable it by setting its value to 0) in Advanced settings -> eTranslation timeout.
I checked the link you provided, and it seems that everything is translated now. If there are more issues with the plugin, please let us know.
This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by