• Last night I found out about this appropriation of ACF’s work. Today when I updated my 90 client sites I spent an extra hour manually updating the real ACF plugin on some sites and then answering a couple of support tickets from worried and ticked-off clients who noticed that either their custom fields had gone missing, or their admin page was no longer reachable.

    On those sites, I found that this unwanted altered version of the free plugin was active and had forced ACF Pro to deactivate. Once I removed SCF, and reactivated ACF Pro, everything was fine. This was not how I planned to spend my day.

    Now my clients are feeling the results of this mess too, as their websites are directly affected.

    EDIT: This morning I see in ManageWP that SCF has been added to all 90 of my clients’ sites, without my knowledge, even the ones where I’ve already removed it. And activated – deactivating my ACF Pro installs and breaking client sites. I’m removing it, again. Is this going to keep happening? How do I prevent it??

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 4 weeks ago by redkite.
    • This topic was modified 4 months, 4 weeks ago by redkite.
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