• I’ve received a request from the client that’s got me flummoxed, though. There are 3 basic groups of things for sale on the site:

    1. Season subscriptions
    2. Classes
    3. Donations

    The client would like for a $5 handling fee to be added if season subscriptions is ordered. The $5 fee is a one-time charge. Like, if they order 5 subscriptions, it’s $5.
    Looking over the forums, I saw how to adjust cart.class.php to add a flat fee to the total, and use the following code in the calculate_total_shipping function, just to kind of test the idea:
    $total = $this->calculate_base_shipping() + 5.00;
    That does a lovely job of adding a flat $5 to every transaction. But, that’s obviously not going to work for the purpose at hand, since that also charges $5 handling for donations and classes.
    Basically, I’d love if someone could point me in the right direction on this.
    I feel like there’s a way to, in the calculate_total_shipping function, have some sort of thing for product category? Like an

    if($category == 1) {
    $total = $this->calculate_base_shipping() + 5.00;
    } else {
    $total = $this->calculate_base_shipping();

    But I have no idea what the category syntax would be, nor how to track down the id/string/whatever assigned to the product category.
    Am I on the right track? Is there a better way to go about this?

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  • Did you ever get this resolved? I’d like to do the same thing

    Hey MkRank…..I’m actually trying to set a flat $2.50 for “every” product in my website but I can find where to add the code to the “cart.clas.php” and the “calculate_total_shipping function” and I always wanted to make sure that I’m using the right code:

    $total = $this->calculate_base_shipping() + 2.50;

    For the life of me I added it to both .php files but nothing gets added to my Total.

    Let me know if you can help.
    P.S. Hey Snobrrdr…if you know how to do this…let me know…I’ll even donate some cash for the cause.

    Hold the press’s I found the solution to adding a flat fee for each purchaser..one time fee only and how to change the label to Shipping and handling.

    Anyone need any help…feel free.

    Hi @rcano,

    Please advice how to add Handling…

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi rcano: I’m trying to add a $4.00 handling fee to each order in the wp-e-commerce gold cart. Will your solution work for this? Using the UPS calculator for shipping rates. I’m not a code person, but maybe with your help I can do this. Thanks! lbrandt

    My solution should work for this if the $4.00 fee is a one time fee no matter how many products in there order. In other words I’ve had people contact me to see if they can charge a per product flat fee…so if a client buys 4 products they wanted to charge a flat fee per each product. Seems like overkill but that’s what they were looking for and NO my solution is not for that scenario.

    Keep in mind…this has “nothing” to do with shipping or a shipping fee. My client wanted to charge a flat fee at the time of checkout no matter how many products they were buying. They preferred to call it a handling fee. They still charged a shipping fee on top of that. In the old days we used to call this a “Shipping and Handling Fee”…but now the majority of clients want to have separate controls for Shipping and a one time handling fee.

    Thanks again
    P.S. If you need any more help…email me at [email protected] and just so you know…depending on how much help you need it may cost you as well. ??

    As outlined by others above, I need to simply add a one-time fee per purchase, regardless of quantity of items, which would be added to the order total along with the table rate which is the only shipping method I’m using.

    If anyone can simply state the procedure for allowing this additional one-time per purchase fee (for shipping and handling), I would greatly appreciate it. This answer is stated nowhere on the public forums for WP-ecommerce or WordPress.


    Thanks BMS1…the answer to your question is actually here within this forum and through WP eCommerce’s forum and through experience.

    I’ve been coding for roughly 10 years so I learned how to do it by trial and error and I never could find anyone who knew exactly how to do it.

    Unfortunately I’ve been inundated with request to custom code their shopping carts that I can’t offer this service for free any longer.

    Thanks again and good luck.


    If anyone else reading this has any idea where this information is posted, I’d greatly appreciate it if I could get a URL. I’ve combed through this forum, and the WP-ecommerce forums (which are far less useful in general), spending the better part of this workday trying to find a solution to this problem that needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

    Any help on a solution – if one indeed exists on this forum – would be greatly appreciated in the simple form of a URL to the thread with the answer.


    For those of you who continue to struggle with adding a one time fee to your WP eCommerce plugin….read the first request at top under “mkrank”….he essentially is giving you the step in how to add a flat fee:

    Looking over the forums, I saw how to adjust cart.class.php to add a flat fee to the total, and use the following code in the calculate_total_shipping function, just to kind of test the idea:
    $total = $this->calculate_base_shipping() + 5.00;
    That does a lovely job of adding a flat $5 to every transaction.

    I’ve received quite a few emails and requests when the answer to your question is listed already in this thread.

    Please…if you’re interested in hiring me for “custom” work…..then feel free to email me directly….if not I ask you to respect my request that you “not” email me.


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