Errors when using clean up order data from legacy tables
When using the “Clean up order data from legacy tables” tool, I get some error messages like this: “Alte Daten der Bestellung 34282 konnten w?hrend der Stapelverarbeitung nicht bereinigt werden. Fehler: Die Daten in der Tabelle ?Beitr?ge“ scheinen aktueller zu sein als die in den HPOS-Tabellen. Vergleiche Bestelldaten mit ?wp wc hpos diff 34282“ und verwende ?wp wc hpos backfill 34282 –from=posts –to=hpos“ zum Korrigieren.” (translated: Old data from order 34282 could not be cleaned up during batch processing. Error: The data in the “Contributions” table appears to be more up-to-date than the data in the HPOS tables. Compare order data with “wp wc hpos diff 34282” and use “wp wc hpos backfill 34282 –from=posts –to=hpos” to correct.).
I know why there are discrepancies and I would like to override these error messages. However, I find not way of doing this. How can I force WooCommerce to delete these orders from the legacy tables? I don’t know how or where to use “wp wc hpos backfill 34282 –from=posts –to=hpos“.
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