• Resolved Oleg Mastriukov


    Hey there!

    From the Appearance -> Elementor Header & Footer Builder, I’ve created a header page with a logo and a Main Menu component and assigned it to all pages: https://prnt.sc/VrOe5S2kyP_J

    It works fine but with some glitches:
    – it doesn’t properly highlight the active page: if I choose any highlighting for an Active state, the wrong page is highlighted. As a workaround, I turned off any highlighting for the Active state: https://prnt.sc/wfbjrru61acx But ideally I’d like the Active tab to be underlined
    – on mobile, for an off-canvas menu, it adds a background color that was initially set up in a default theme’s header.

    I already removed any styling from the default Astra header and an off-canvas menu from Appearance -> Customize but it still seems to be overwriting some of the Elementor’s styles.

    How can I completely disable the default header and substitute it with Elementor’s?

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  • Thread Starter Oleg Mastriukov


    Ok, I found where the background for the off-canvas menu was coming from: https://prnt.sc/b1RLVJoIt1Vr
    Once I removed it there in the Elementor’s Header settings, it disappeared from the mobile view.

    The only issue left is that the header doesn’t properly understand the currently active page, so if I choose any styling for an Active state, it always highlights one page in the menu no matter which page I go to. It didn’t happen when I was using the default Astra’s header.

    Is there a way to fix it?

    Thread Starter Oleg Mastriukov


    Plugin Support Joel



    Just remember that this is not official Elementor support, as we have our official support channels for our customers on our website.

    It looks like you’ve already done a lot of troubleshooting, and it seems like you’re facing a specific issue related to how the active state is being recognized in the menu. 

    I’m afraid Elementor Core does not provide the Header and Footer in the free version. And the Plugin?Elementor Header & Footer Builder?is not the part of Elementor Core.

    Please understand that our support is limited to the current features of Elementor Core.

    Any 3rd party theme/plugins/widgets are outside our support scope as we have no control over their code.

    I would advise you to contact the plugin/theme Astra, as they will be in the best position to help you with this issue.

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance.

    Kind Regards,

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Joel.
    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Joel.
    Thread Starter Oleg Mastriukov


    I think we can follow the bug status on the plugin’s github: https://github.com/brainstormforce/header-footer-elementor/issues/879

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