• Resolved studiotaboom



    I hope this message finds you well. I am experiencing an issue with an option in your plugin. Specifically, when I set the additional price to €2.50, the price in the user’s cart changes to €2.00. This issue only occurs when I use decimals in the price. If I set any whole number as the price, it works perfectly fine.

    Is this behavior normal, or is there a setting I might have missed?

    Thank you for your assistance!

    Virna Sabattini

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  • Plugin Support Facundo Arano


    Hi there,

    I hope you’re doing well. About the issue, please check that the price of the add-on in the plugin settings is set using a dot as a decimal separator and then check if the issue is solved.

    If you still have issues, please send us the link to the product where we can see the issue so we can check it.

    We’ll remain at your disposal.

    Thread Starter studiotaboom


    Hi there,

    Thank you for your help! By entering the price with a dot instead of a comma, the total in the cart is now correct.

    However, I wasn’t able to find a global setting in the plugin to select commas as decimal separators instead of dots, but entering it this way worked.

    Thanks again!


    Plugin Support Alessio Torrisi


    Hello there,

    it sounds good, don’t hesitate contact us whenever you need!

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