Yes, you’re absolutely right! Product Archive Description in RankMath serves as a global fallback.
This Product Archive Description is used on your product archive pages (like category pages) to provide a brief overview of the products listed on that page. It helps search engines understand the content and relevance of the page, potentially improving its ranking.
Global Fallback: If you don’t specify a custom description for a specific product category or tag, this global description will be used. It’s a safety net to ensure all your archive pages have some level of optimization, even if they don’t have a custom description.
Similarly, the Single Product Description acts as a default description for individual product pages. However, this could be overridden on a per-product basis, allowing you to tailor descriptions to better suit specific products and improve their SEO performance.
Using these fallback options ensures that even if you forget to add custom descriptions, your website remains SEO-friendly. However, for the best results, it’s always recommended to provide unique, detailed descriptions for each product and archive page whenever possible. This helps in maximizing the relevance and appeal of your content to both users and search engines.
Hope you got your answers.