• itslinuxguide



    I need help with this bot verification issue on WordPress when I log in or even go to even any settings in WordPress I get this Bot verification. Also, when I visit my site in guest mode I also get the Bot verification. I am also using Cloudflare, but I haven’t turned on bot fighting mode. Further, I am using Hostinger as my hosting service. How to make it go away and would it effect my website traffic

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • threadi


    Do you use a security plugin? Try deactivating it.

    If that wasn’t the problem, try deactivating all plugins to rule them out. If it still happens, then it’s Cloudflare’s fault and you should contact their support.

    Thread Starter itslinuxguide


    No, I am not using any security plugin. Another thing I want to ask is will it effect my traffic?

    Thread Starter itslinuxguide


    Can it be due to my theme as I am not using many plugins.



    As I don’t know the cause, I can’t tell you anything about the effects of this.

    Have you already tested this? What is the result?

    If that wasn’t the problem, try deactivating all plugins to rule them out. If it still happens, then it’s Cloudflare’s fault and you should contact their support.

    Thread Starter itslinuxguide


    Yes, I have tried it but it didn’t work Though I have deactivated the Add inserter plugin due to some ads displaying issue and its gone now. However, I am still not sure about it because this plugin is used by many people to display ads.

    Moderator James Huff


    Would you please provide a screenshot of what you’re seeing?


    Thread Starter itslinuxguide


    Here are the screenshots both on web and android

    Thread Starter itslinuxguide


    Now I am again facing the issue. For the time being I wasn’t facing any issue when i deactivated Ads inserter plugin but now I am again getting this error. i tried deactivating TOB plugin and lite speed cache plugin as well.

    Moderator James Huff


    I recognize reCAPTCHA, but I don’t recognize the placement and notice over it.

    If deactivating your ad plugin removed it, then I suspect the issue may be one of the ad providers.

    I recommend contacting support for the ad plugin so they can provide you with next steps on fixing this.

    Thread Starter itslinuxguide


    It is still deactivated. The reCAPTCHA basically occurs when I visit my site in guest mode and also when I visit wordpress interface. I contacted Hostinger support, they asked me to check for under attack mode in Cloudflare but it isn’t turned on

    I just saw it briefly and unfortunately clicked away too quickly. What I did see, however, was that it appeared to have been imported via cached files using JavaScript. If you have deactivated the Ads plugin, have you also cleared all caches in your WordPress? You also seem to be using Litespeed for this.

    Thread Starter itslinuxguide


    Yes, I am using lite speed cache for this. In its toolbar option, there is an option if Purge All. I do it most of the time, like once a day. When I first deactivated the ads inserter the issue was resolved for the time being but it started again

    And it starts again since you reactivated this plugin? Then I would recommend you, as already written above, to see which ads are integrated via it. One of them is to blame. If you have any questions, please contact the support of this ads plugin.

    Thread Starter itslinuxguide


    No, I haven’t reactivated the plugin, the issue still persists. I have also added the follwing code line in may theme function code as well:

    remove_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpcf7_recaptcha_enqueue_scripts' );

    Still the issue presists.

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