• My Website core web core web vitals test is failed. My Site Accessibility is 88% How can increase Accessibility. My website traffic is down that main issue is core web vitals. Any one solved My website issue and Plaza guide me how can solved it.

    Thanks Full to You Everyone

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by James Huff. Reason: moved to Accessibility since this is an accessibility question

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Check you home page (and any others that differ in presentation) with the Page Speed Insights tool. It has an accessibility section. Correct whatever issues it flags.

    Google Page Speed Insights shows that Core Web Vitals are pretty good for the page you indicated, especially on desktop. On mobile, the tool only shows that you need to reduce unused CSS and JavaScript. You can use a plugin such as LiteSpeed Cache or Autoptimize.

    If you see issues with Core Web Vitals in Search Console (“Poor URLs” or “URLs need improvement”), you might need to implement additional fixes that may not be related to coding. Perhaps your server is not fast enough or you need to upgrade your hosting plan.

    As for accessibility, Google Page Speed Insights shows 92% on mobile and 96% on desktop, which is a very good score. A few minor adjustments are recommended (such as making the color of links more contrasting) but they are not critical at all.

    Core Web Vitals are a set of three metrics that Google uses to measure user experience:

      Loading (Largest Contentful Paint – LCP): How fast the main content of your page loads.
      Interactivity (First Input Delay – FID): How quickly your site responds when a user interacts with it.
      Visual Stability (Cumulative Layout Shift – CLS): How much the layout of your site shifts as it loads (like when things move around unexpectedly).

    Since Core Web Vitals are crucial for Google rankings, improving them will likely increase your traffic. Once your site is faster and more user-friendly, people will stay longer and visit more often.

    Use tools like Google Lighthouse or PageSpeed Insights to see exactly what’s slowing your site down. Prepare the list of elements which are responsible for low page speed and CWV rules such as:

      Optimize Images: Compress and resize images so they load faster.
      Use Lazy Loading: Only load images as the user scrolls down, rather than loading everything at once.
      Use a Fast Web Host: A good server can drastically improve your loading speed.
      Minimize JavaScript and CSS: Too much unnecessary code can slow things down. You can “minify” or combine your files to make them load quicker.
      Implement Caching: This saves parts of your site on the user’s device, so they don’t have to download everything every time they visit.

    And use plugins like LiteSpeed Cache, W3 Total Cache, Hummingbird Performance etc for Page Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals.

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