• Resolved Wizard


    So I have a new problem, i created many markers but they are all inlined, and not using geojson file..

    I am trying to figure out how to use this:

    Here is my basic markers.json

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [40.979898069620155, -76.640625]
    "properties": {
    "names": "Zimmsville",
    "descriptions": "Recommended Level 2",
    "url": "/icons/union.png",
    "size": [30, 30]
    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [56.36525013685609, 28.828125000000004]
    "properties": {
    "names": "Super Market",
    "descriptions": "Recommended Level 15",
    "url": "/icons/union.png",
    "size": [30, 30]

    Here is the shortcode:

    [leaflet-geojson src=”/markers.json”






    {names} – {descriptions}[/leaflet-geojson]

    This isnt showing the icons, it does show names and description

    It seems the {url} is not pulling the data from the json, while the name / description works..

    Can someone help make a basic example to get this working? I can then start to convert the others.

    Another tidbit – So Just to try it out, I put {url} at {names} – {descriptions} – {url] [/leaflet-geojson]

    and it shows the URL in the hover / tooltip , but for some reason, its not putting it in the other spot where it needs to go???

    • This topic was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Wizard.
    • This topic was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Wizard.
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)
  • Plugin Author hupe13


    Unfortunately there is not such a possibility. leaflet-geojson has only these options. All markers have the same icon.

    Maybe you can group the markers. Then every group has its own icon.

    Thread Starter Wizard


    Wait, so your saying that

    Can not take the data from the json and you gotta manually add it in?

    Plugin Author hupe13


    I’m sorry. I asked @bozdoz.

    Thread Starter Wizard


    Interesting, so here is a new problem then

    I am trying to convert 1000’s of markers that were basically this:

    [leaflet-marker lat=-24.647017162630352 lng=136.14257812500003 iconurl="/icons/union.png" iconsize="30,30"]HP Evolution Institute[/leaflet-marker]

    [leaflet-marker lat=-22.647017162630352 lng=132.14257812500003 iconurl="/icons/monolith.png" iconsize="30,30"]Monolith[/leaflet-marker]


    into this

    [leaflet-geojson src="/union.json" iconUrl="/icons/union.png" iconSize="30,30" iconAnchor="15,30" popupAnchor="0,-30" tooltipAnchor="0,-15"]{name} {description}[/leaflet-geojson]

    [leaflet-geojson src="/monolith.json" iconUrl="/icons/monolith.png" iconSize="30,30" iconAnchor="15,30" popupAnchor="0,-30" tooltipAnchor="0,-15"]{name} {description}[/leaflet-geojson]


    Since I can’t put everything into one json, due to many markers having different icons, I am making separate jsons for each group.

    The new issue is the grouping, so the side Menu shows all of the previous grouping, but its not under the Parent / Tree anymore.

    For example, the Old Union and Monolith buttons on the side menu still work correctly and are turning on / off the markers from the json update. But all the ParentGroup that I had created all stopped working, there is some conflict / bug with mixing geojson / leaflet markers together it seems.

    [parentgroup parent="Legend" childs="Union,Monolith,Lea,Silos,House,Teleporter,Settlements,Hint,Elite,Accessory,Recipe"]

    I am going to have a mix of the old format “leaflet-marker” and “leaflet-geojson”

    Do you have any thoughts on how I can get around this? So I can have some leaflet-geojson and leaflet-markers under the same Parent Tree…

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Wizard.
    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Wizard.
    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Wizard.
    Plugin Author hupe13


    Since I can’t put everything into one json, due to many markers having different icons, I am making separate jsons for each group.

    I would have suggested the same.

    I am going to have a mix of the old format “leaflet-marker” and “leaflet-geojson”

    Do you have any thoughts on how I can get around this? So I can have some leaflet-geojson and leaflet-markers under the same Parent Tree…

    You can define many leaflet-optiongroup and / or leaflet-featuregroup as you like. leaflet-parentgroup should the last shortcode after them. You can have more as one leaflet-parentgroup too. leaflet-parentgroup only handles the groups, the elements within them are irrelevant.

    Or what do you mean?

    Thread Starter Wizard


    So this is how the menu works with the Trees, when I am not using Any Leaflet-geojson, its all Leaflet-markers

    When I start to remove leaflet-markers, and convert it to leaflet-geojson, the menu Parent Tree Breaks

    it looks like this


    I didnt change any of the parentgroup, or the leaflet option data, I am missing something here that I need to do in order to make the leaflet-geojson to work in the parentgroup

    Or there is a bug

    The Markers Still turn Off and On when I click on them so the leaflet-optiongroup still seems to pick up the new leaflet-geojson changes I put in… but the parentgroup doesnt seem to register it.

    Plugin Author hupe13


    Are the geojson markers and leaflet-markers sorted correctly in the groups? Wich shortcodes you are using to group markers from geojson and leaflet-marker? leaflet-optiongroup and/or leaflet-featuregroup?

    childs in leaflet-parentgroup are the same as in groups from leaflet-optiongroup or leaflet-featuregroup. Maybe the html tags are not handled correctly.

    Thread Starter Wizard


    Using this

    [leaflet-optiongroup disableClusteringAtZoom=0 option=”iconUrl” values=”union, monolith, lea, silos, house, teleporter, settlement, gearbox, weaponsbox, mysterybox, hints, elite, wpacc, recipe, meme, crate,startrace-

    Then this

    [parentgroup parent=”Legend” childs=”Union,Monolith,Lea,Silos,House,Teleporter,Settlements,Hint,Elite,Accessory,Recipe”][parentgroup parent=”Treasures” childs=”Gear Crate,Weapon Crate,Mystical Chest,Hidden,Morphic Hunt,Seed Store”]

    Plugin Author hupe13


    How are the groups from leaflet-optiongroup?

    Thread Starter Wizard


    groups='<img src=/icons/union.png height=20 width=20>Union,<img src=/icons/monolith.png height=20 width=20>Monolith,<img src=/icons/lea.png height=20 width=20>Lea,<img src=/icons/silos.png height=20 width=20>Silos, *More stuff* ' substr]

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Wizard.
    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Wizard.
    Plugin Author hupe13


    I tested it, I can’t detect any errors.

    Are you using the latest version of the plugin 3.4.1?

    Thread Starter Wizard


    Just upgraded, seeing another problem now, the Collapse Menu Parent thing

    It has a symbol that isnt showing? Do I need to download a icon for it to show up?

    View post on imgur.com

    Plugin Author hupe13


    Are you using Elementor? If yes, this is a bug. There is a Gihub version, there it is fixed and parentgroup has more configurable options.

    Thread Starter Wizard


    If elementor is a theme, we dont used that.. have a news type of theme

    Plugin Author hupe13


    Do you have any Awesome fonts installed? If yes, please test the Github version. If not, I don’t have an idea, because I don’t know your theme and plugins.

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