• Resolved dev5



    I’m creating a new website and so far have 0 posts and just 3 pages. I created a page and noticed when it saved, it appended a -2 to the permalink. There is no other page (only 2 others) with that name, so I don’t understand why it’s doing that. Each time I go into the sidebar and remove it, it’s gone. Then I hit save and it returns. If I change the permalink to anything else, like xyz, it saves that.

    The site permalinks are set to “Post name”.

    What’s going on??? How do I fix this to stop appending stuff?

    WP version: 6.6

    Thanks guys.

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Do you happen to have an image with the same name? If you upload an image (say, “Happy Cat”) and then create a page or post with the same title, WP will name the slug “Happy Cat – 2”. Slugs must be unique.

    Thread Starter dev5


    Wow – Steven thank you – that seems to be it! The primary image for the page had the same name. I would have never considered that. To me .php and .jpg are two different species but apparently not to the WP naming convention. Lesson learned.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    When you upload an image, WP creates an “attachment” page using the image’s name. And that page “uses” the slug.

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