Buffer Error/Faulty “apply_builder_in_content” Hook?
I recently found and deleted the debug.log as it was 12,8GBs (!!!). Debugging is turned off in wp-config.php, yet regardless it was regenerated and just a day later it was already about 190MBs.
The log is way too long for me to paste it here (also Pastebin got hung multiple times when i tried to paste it there), so I will try to paste only the beginning, which seems to be the most crucial part, as the rest of the log is just echoing my website’s structure. It would be great if someone could help me pinpoint the error. Thanks for your time already in advance!
The first few lines of the log:
[02-Jul-2024 07:59:24 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.681 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 07:59:25 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.044 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 07:59:26 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.023 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 07:59:27 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.024 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 07:59:28 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.021 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 07:59:29 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.081 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 07:59:30 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.071 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 07:59:31 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.001 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 07:59:32 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.051 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 07:59:33 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.007 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 08:06:08 UTC] WpssoUtil::safe_apply_filters warning: Slow filter hook(s) detected – WordPress took 1.655 secs to execute the “the_content” filter (longer than recommended max of 1.000 secs).
[02-Jul-2024 08:11:09 UTC] SucomBFO::__check_output_buffer error: The “Elementor\Frontend::apply_builder_in_content” hook with priority 9 in the “the_content” filter has incorrectly sent output to the webpage. Unlike WordPress actions, WordPress filters must always return their text, not echo it to the webpage output. Please contact the author of that filter and report this issue as a coding error.
Incorrect webpage output:
—–BEGIN OUTPUT—–<div data-elementor-type="wp-page" data-elementor-id="7033" class="elementor elementor-7033"> <section class="wd-negative-gap elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-7e643eac elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="7e643eac" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-594a1fef" data-id="594a1fef" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-529a2cc8 elementor-widget elementor-widget-wd_banner" data-id="529a2cc8" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="wd_banner.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <link rel="stylesheet" id="wd-banner-css" type="text/css" media="all" /> <div class="promo-banner-wrapper"> <div class="promo-banner banner-default banner-hover-none color-scheme-light banner-btn-size-default banner-btn-style-default with-btn banner-btn-position-static wd-with-link"> <div class="main-wrapp-img"> <div class="banner-image wd-without-height"> <img width="600" height="400" src="https://araxxon.de/wp-content/themes/woodmart/images/lazy.png" class="attachment-large size-large wd-lazy-load wd-lazy-none" alt="" srcset="" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-wp-pid="38547" data-wood-src="https://araxxon.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Design-ohne-Titel-2023-05-18T174524.245.png" data-srcset="https://araxxon.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Design-ohne-Titel-2023-05-18T174524.245.png 600w, https://araxxon.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Design-ohne-Titel-2023-05-18T174524.245-400x267.png 400w, https://araxxon.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Design-ohne-Titel-2023-05-18T174524.245-430x287.png 430w, https://araxxon.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Design-ohne-Titel-2023-05-18T174524.245-150x100.png 150w" /> </div>
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