Hi @gdragon
When you work with a multi site, each site has its own database, thus on each site, you need to configure Nextend Social Login accordingly ( you need to add the redirect URI of each subsite to the App that you create, then you need to insert the credentials into our providers , verify the settings and enable the providers. ).
And in tne case of Nextend Social Login, the same set of social buttons are used for both registration and login. So whenever you press the social buttons, it will either try to register a new account or log the user in to an existing account ( if we managed to find an existing account that’s email address matches with the email address returned by the provider, or if the social media account is already linked to the WordPress account ).
So we don’t use the wp-signup.php at all, as that way the subsite where the user actually connects wouldn’t be respected, but it was as if the registration happened always on the site associated with the /wp-signup.php.
Instead we use the /wp-login.php page of the subsite where the login was initiated, for both handling the OAuth flow and the Register flow, and this way when we register the user the user will show up in the user’s table of the subsite where the user connected with social login. ( Of course the person will be able to login to the other subsites, too as the user is inserted into the the Network users table as well. )
Of course if you want to display the social buttons in the wp-signup.php page as well, then you can do that, by hooking a custom function to one of the actions that the wp-sugnup.php fires, e.g.:
- before_signup_form
- after_signup_form
and output our social buttons with the shortcode, via the do_shortcode() function of WordPress. In the documentation below you can learn more about our shortcode:
but whether you do this or not. Users will still be able to register with Nextend Social Login on the /wp-login.php pages, too unless you set the “Membership” setting of Nextend Social Login ( Nextend Social Login> Global Settings > General tab ) on the corresponding multisite. This way the user will be informed about that the registration is disabled. If you want to give the user a more informative error message, you can use the “nsl_disabled_register_error_message” filter to modify the error message, and you can also use the “nsl_disabled_register_redirect_url” filter if you want to redirect the users to another page, e.g. your wp-sugnup.php page. In our developer documentation you can learn more about these filters:
Best regards,