Payment failed due to unsupported statement_descriptor parameter
My client just had their very first real order from a customer – yay! Except not so yay because the payment failed :-/
The error message reads:
Payment Failed (The statement_descriptor parameter is not supported for the payment_method_type 'card'. To continue supporting payment_method _type 'card', please pass in statement_descriptor_suffix or remove the statement_descriptor' parameter altogether. Please see for additional details).
I’ve temporarily resolved the issue by removing the content of the field entirely, however this is obviously not ideal as it’s nice to have some control over what shows up on customers’ statements.
Looking into it, it seems that the statement_descriptor parameter has not been supported since February 2024, just after I tested the payment gateway on this website.
What I’m confused about is why nobody else seems to have come across this issue since February… is nobody filling in that statement description field?
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