Frontend Pages looks ugly
Hello, I have been using your paid membership pro plugin for about 6 months now. Everything works great. My only issue is these frontend pages (login, account page, checkout, levels). They look terrible. I know that you have a dedicated theme and it looks good on it. But not everyone uses that theme. The login page has a ‘join now’ link that is so tiny compared to the login button. Many people confuse that there is no way to register to the site and end up registering in the login page and get error message. The ‘join now’ should be big button like the ‘login button‘. The Account page is horrible and checkout page looks sus that vistors hesitate to checkout. Most other membership plugin have these fontend pages look very good. Plugins like Ultimate membership pro has multiple templates to choose for these forntend pages. I’m not a developer. I can’t mess with those code recipies. Please make an addon (free or paid) that we can use to choose different templates for these frontend pages. Also, make it such that users can add thier own custom templates to it. So that many users will share thier creations. Thank you
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