• Hello friends I have little time to work with wordpress at first had no problems, but now the sidebar is below the individual entry in the only home I have no problems in the articles, is very uncomfortable and not know how to fix it, not I have IIDEA of HTML or CSS, if any of you could help me appreciate it, look in previous threads, but did not find what I wanted, I appreciate any help you can give me.
    My blog is: href = “https://gladysmarin.com”>

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  • Did you make any changes in templates you using for those pages.

    Thread Starter gsmarinc


    Hello govpatel :
    replace only the head, but was submitted after the issue of the sidebar, so if you notice is that I cast suspicion antivirus virus and option.php function.php but that was after falling off the sidebar, I review the file but saw nothing unusual, no string as scribbles … virus does not otherwise recognize. thanks for the help

    Hi gsmarinc,

    The problem occurs when you are on a single post or page (single.php, page.php). The problem is that your <div id="sidebar_right" class="sidebar">...</div> is outside of <div id="content" class="clearfix">...</div> on those two pages, when they should be inside.

    To fix it, open up those 2 .php files, and bring the get_sidebar() inside the </div> that closes #content.

    That should fix it!

    [signature removed]

    Thread Starter gsmarinc


    Dear Connor
    Thank you very much. was so simple, but when one does not know much becomes a real problem … Blessings, Thanks

    Thread Starter gsmarinc


    I have no page.php, found not only single.php containing the following, but not <div>

    * The Template for displaying all single posts.
    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage Graphene
    * @since Graphene 1.0

    get_header(); ?>

    /* Run the loop to output the posts.
    * If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file
    * called loop-single.php and that will be used instead.
    get_template_part(‘loop’, ‘single’);

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    no se donde mas podria buscar en el editor solo tengo estos archivos ;

    404 Template
    Author Template
    Main Index Template
    One column, no sidebar Page Template
    Search Form
    Search Results
    Single Post
    Theme Functions
    Visual Editor Stylesheet


    You can a create a template of your own and use that for your pages.


    Did you try and put your index.php file back as it was as looks like your index.php file used as page and post as well.

    Thus usually happens when there’s a stray </div> closing the content area’s opening <div> too early before the sidebar is loaded. Check to see if you have any unopened </div> in any of your sidebar items.

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