When I’m trying to order these two variations, Large and Get 2 (Save 15%), I’m encountering an error. These variations are automatically disabled. They are enabled in the backend, but I can’t place an order on them, nor are they becoming active. Please tell me the solution to this problem.
I just tried this on your site and while I was able to add all 6 variations (Standard or Large x Get 1, 2 o or 3). When I tried to place an order all variations that included either Large or Get 2 were removed, leaving only the Standard get 1 or get 2 variations: https://prnt.sc/BsSzBUpeL1W2.
This is certainly unusual, and I’d love to learn more. Can you share more details as to how you created the product and its variations? Are you using any third party plugin for your products, variations or checkout experience?
Can you share a screenshot of this product set up and its variations in the back end?
Does this happen with any other products, or just this one? If just this one, have you tried re-doing the variations or the entire product?
In the meantime, I’d like to understand your site properly. Please share with us the necessary information below for us to investigate the issue further:
System Status Report?which you can find via WooCommerce > Status > Get system report > Copy for support.
Fatal error logs?(if any) under WooCommerce > Status > Logs.
You could copy and paste your reply here or paste it via https://gist.github.com/ and send the link here.
Once we have more information, we’ll be able to assist you further.
I see you have a few custom plugins for the products, while they’re created with WooCommerce, you have a few alterations there, and I think I actually see where the issue lies just by looking at your variations screenshot!
As you can see the four variations that present issues are set up like this:
The other two have “Calculate prices by the exchante rate”, the ones with issues have “Set prices manually” for UAE, yet no price is defined. This must be causing the error.
Please note that this is not a default WooCommerce experience, though, as mentioned above, it is modified by third-party plugins. Looking at your System Status Report (SSR), I see that you’re using this plugin: WooCommerce Price Based on Country.
If you have any further issues, you should contact the plugin developers. Since they are the developers, they’d be the best suited to assist you. Also, as per our support policy, we can’t provide support for third-party products.
However, I think my theory would be enough to fix this one.
Cheers! -OP
This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by omarfpg a11n. Reason: Adding our support policy for third party products
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