• elena18


    In the plugin I am developing (basically it’s a custom form displayed n front-end which stores data in a custom mysql table) I have a back-end page where I can visualize all data entries.

    A javascript code enables to check rows with an input checkbox. If checked, an ajax call send records ‘ids’ to an endpoint. Here I have a callback function that contains the php code to save data as csv. Everything works, in the sense that checked records ‘ids’ are correctly sent to the endpoint. The callback function grabs the ids and start a $wpdb query. Headers are prepared before echoing anything else and variables (first label row and data) are correctly stored in arrays. However the csv is not created. Here’s my code

    Page with entries displayed

    //the full table with rows showing mysql records
    <input type="button" id="export_records" class="button-primary" value="Export Selected">
    // export as csv selected records
        $('#export_records').on('click', function(e) { 
            var row_data = [];  
            $(".chk_id:checked").each(function() {  
            if(row_data.length <=0)  {  
                alert("Please select records.");  
            else { 	
                WRN_PROFILE_EXPORT = "Are you sure you want to export "+(row_data.length>1?"these":"this")+" row?";  
                var checked = confirm(WRN_PROFILE_EXPORT);  
                if(checked == true) {		
                    var selected_values = JSON.stringify(row_data);
                        type: "POST",  
                        url: "<?php echo get_rest_url(null, 'sight-form-tethys/v1/handle_export_entries'); ?>", 
                        contentType: "application/json",
                        dataType: 'json',
                        data: selected_values,
                        success: function(response) {	
                            var form_ids = response.form_ids; 
                            WRN_PROFILE_EXPORTED = "You have exported "+form_ids.length+" rows.";
                            confirm("You have exported "+form_ids.length+" rows.");
                            $("#select_count").html(form_ids.length+" Exported");
                        error: function (xhr, status, error) {

    The response of the ajax call is a JSON with the checked id (ex. [16,17])

    The endpoint and relative callback function is as follows

    public function __construct( $plugin_name, $version ) {
    add_action( 'rest_api_init',array( $this,'sigh_form_handle_export_entries' ));
    public function sigh_form_handle_export_entries(){
    // route url: domain.com/wp-json/$namespace/$route
    $namespace = 'sight-form-tethys/v1';
    $route = 'handle_export_entries';
    register_rest_route($namespace, $route, array(
    	'methods' => 'POST',
    	'callback' => [$this, 'handle_export_entries_function']
    public function handle_export_entries_function(WP_REST_Request $data){
    $result = $data -> get_params();
    $result = implode(',', $result);
    if ( !empty($result) ) {
    	// Set headers for CSV file download
    	header('Pragma: public');
    	header('Expires: 0');
    	header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
    	header('Cache-Control: private', false);
    	header('Content-Type: application/csv; charset=utf-8');
    	header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="csv_export.csv"' );
    	header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
    	// Create a file pointer connected to the output stream
    	$output = fopen('php://output', 'a+');
    	// Retrieve data from your specific table
    	global $wpdb;
    	$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'sight_form_data'; // Replace 'your_table_name' with the name of your table				
    		$request =$wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE id_formIN ($result)");					
    		$entries = $wpdb->get_results($request, ARRAY_A);
    		// Write headers to the CSV file
    		$header_row = [
    			'First name', 'Last name', 'Country', 'Email', 'Phone', 'Date sighting', 'Time sighting',
    			'Species', 'Confidence', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'N animals', 'Offsprings', 'Sea state',
    			'Want to be contacted', 'Privacy consent', 'Video url', 'File URL'
    		fputcsv($output, $header_row);
    		// Write data rows to the CSV file
    		foreach ($entries as $entry) {
    			// Prepare an array with values to write to CSV
    			$csv_data = array(
    				$entry['fileUrl'] // Assuming this is the field with file URLs
    			fputcsv($output, $csv_data);
    	// Close the file pointer
    	$exported_ids = explode(',', $result);
    	return new WP_REST_Response(array('form_ids' => $exported_ids), 200);	
    else {
    	return new WP_REST_Response(array('message' => 'Something went wrong. Try again'), 400);

    I checked in various forums, but it seems that the way I built the csv is correct: $csv_data and $header are correct. $output contains ‘Resource id #15’. By inspecting the request and response of the ajax call I have:

    request: the JSON data with records ids

    response: a long string similar to this


    Can someone help please? Thanks very much

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  • Alan Fuller


    OK so basically you can’t use the REST API to create a download of the file.

    You can craate a web page with such headers that would create the download but not the REST API which is built really to send server client info by json.

    The common solution is to save the file on your server ( maybe with a unique obscure link ) and pass the url in the REST response,then teh client can handle the download from the link ( and maybe call a tidy up endpoint to delete the file if needed )

    • This reply was modified 11 months ago by Alan Fuller.
    Moderator bcworkz


    I agree with Alan that the API is meant to send a JSON response to the client browser, but I think a file on the server could be created as a side effect, which the browser page could then link to, basically Alan’s “common solution” while still using the API.

    That said, I agree in general that the API is probably not the best way to handle this. I suggest submitting necessary data through admin-post.php. This way the response could be the actual download data stream. You will need to send appropriate HTTP headers telling the browser the subsequent data is a file data stream to be saved and not a typical HTML page.

    Thread Starter elena18


    Thanks very much to both of you! I didn’t know that. I am pretty new to develop a custom plugin and, for some points, such as the REST API, I am putting together information found in forums. Actually I did succeeded to save a csv file, if data were sent through a normal $_POST request.

    Then I developed an ajax to handle checkboxes (to be able to select single rows) that were used either for deleting (see my previous posts on this forum) or exporting data and I thought I could use the same API structure, but obviously I cannot.

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