• lao3d


    Takes a bit of figuring out to implement, but once in place, it seems like a robust and customizable player. Probably needs an “advanced beginner” understanding of WordPress to get it up and running, but if the “Read Me” instructions are followed carefully, it works very well…


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  • Plugin Author simon.ward


    lao3d, thanks for your feedback,

    the help on using the tags was definitely lacking detail in the last release (v1.3.4), it’s now being improved with better examples and explainations, and some detail on how the plugin operates. This should make things easier and less frustrating for anyone who’s not so comfortable delving into theme files and will be available in a few days time.

    I’ll also add some theme specific examples as i realise that some themes are trickier than others to work with (the Thesis theme for eg is not so obvious which files to drop tags into).

    The tags themselves are quite simple, they just have some optional inputs and there’s a bit of subtlety to their placement. They can also interact with some of the admin settings.

    For anyone not sure where to drop the tags, try this to start off:

    1. Use an mp3j_flag() tag. Drop it anywhere in the header to start with and leave it’s brackets empty.

    2. Use an mp3j_put() tag. Drop it at the top of the sidebar to start with and leave it’s brackets empty.

    Having done 1 and 2 above, visit a page on your site that you know has a playlist.

    That is all you need to do to put the player in the sidebar.


    Plugin Author simon.ward


    Just to clarify the above, the correct form would be:

    <?php mp3j_flag(); ?>


    <?php mp3j_put(); ?>

    As with all tags and functions that are not part of WordPress core, you should use function_exists() to check they’re available, though it’s not strictly necessary as long as the plugin is active!


    Thread Starter lao3d


    Thank you, that should prove helpful!



    Having done 1 and 2 above, visit a page on your site that you know has a playlist.

    I’m a bit new to WordPress, etc. so I apologize if this is a silly question.

    Is there a way to get a playlist on the index/blog page? I’m trying to get a player right at the top left corner of my blog page. Well, I’d like it to appear on every page in that same spot.

    I’m excited to use this player, but I am having a hard time so far. Any help is appreciated.

    Plugin Author simon.ward


    that’s a good question as the code above gives varying results on the blog/index page. In short yes you can play any tracks on it including the playlist connected to the index page itself if there is one (ie if you’re using a static page as the blog index and you’ve put a playlist on it).

    If you want the playlist to be same for all pages then you just put the id number of the page that has the playlist you want to use in the put tag. so if the page id was 100 you’d write:


    Page id’s are visible on the page/post edit screens in the address bar where it says .php?post=

    BUT for other single page/post pages on your site you’d also need to force the scripts using mp3j_addscripts() to get the player to show as if there was no playlist entered in that page’s custom fields then the scripts won’t be added by default like they are on the blog index (i’ll prob make this possible from admin in future version). I hope that makes sense.

    fyi using the put tag with empty brackets is like using the shortcode in that the shortcode does nothing if there are no tracks in the custom fields. An empty put tag behaves the same. This means on the blog index you get the following:

    If put tag is placed before the wordpress post loop: the tag only sees the first post in the list, if there’s no tracks in this post then no player will show.

    If put tag is in the loop: player show’s with first post that has playlist

    If put tag is after the loop: the tag only sees last post on the list, again if no tracks then no player shows.

    Using the Modes for the put tag ‘first’, ‘feed’, or an id, give you control of the playlist. and Leaving it empty leaves it up to the player to auto add if it sees a playlist.




    I am using your mp3 jplayer and am having problems when I place it in the sidebar using a Genesis theme.
    I have used your suggestions by placing mp3j_flag() in the head and <?php mp3j_put(); ?> in the sidebar.php

    The mp3 player is showing but I have a white square with the text jPlayer 1.2.0 (flash) appearing in the top left corner and my navigation bar disappears. please can you tell me how to remove this white box? Thanks.

    Plugin Author simon.ward


    Hi serf, can you give me a link to the page and the browser you’re using?



    I have been at this for days, not sure what I am missing.

    My site is here:


    the playlist is here:


    I have set the flag in the header

    and I have placed this: (in the sidebar)

    <?php if ( function_exists(‘mp3j_addscripts’) ) { mp3j_addscripts(‘/wp-content/plugins/mp3-jplayer/css/mp3jplayer-green-sidebar.css’); } ?>

    <?php mp3j_put(107); ?>

    (I have also placed the code in the index.php, page.php, and video.php)In a feeble attempt to get it to work. I am lost. I am willing to provide access to everything if someone can point me in the right direction as to how to make this appear in the sidebar of each page on my site.

    [email protected]

    Plugin Author simon.ward



    the mp3j_addscripts() must go in the header and it must be above the wordpress wp_head() hook, it’s not possible to add the scripts from the sidebar.




    That did the trick! Thanks, I am going to up-sell the crap out of your plugin. Hands Down BEST MP3 player for wordpress.

    @simon got any other work I should be showing off to people, this is brilliant and you deserve a lot of recognition!?



    I am using firefox 3.6.12, and the swf file also shows in IE7 and IE8, but chrome and safari seem to be ok.

    My test site is at https://www.antiochchurch.co.uk/1index289.php/

    Hope you can help, as I am at a loss as to how to stop the browser showing the swf file in the top left corner!

    I have put <?php mp3j_flag(); ?> in the header and <?php mp3j_put(); ?> in the sidebar.

    Plugin Author simon.ward


    @brokenflipside, hey thank you man, and glad you got it working.
    i’ll hopefully have some other plugins coming along soon, plus there’s still lots of stuff i’m looking forward to adding to this one…

    @serf, i can see another audio player plugin active on your page that uses visible flash. i’m not sure why, but the two may be confilcting when you use ff/ie. jPlayer will fall back to using flash invisibly in non html 5 browsers. If it’s not needed try deactivating the other audio player, pls post back here if there’s still a problem.


    thanks for your reply. I have deactivated the other audio player but still have the swf showing in the top left corner. I thought this would be the case as this error was happening before I installed the other plugin as I was trying to find another mp3 player.

    I would much prefer to use yours though as I want people to be able to see it in iphones etc, so a html5 option is the best. Anymore ideas how to remove the swf file in the top left corner in firefox and IE?



    Works great with iphone. Not so much with android or WP7 devices. But I feel like those problems are specific to the mobile browsers on the devices.

    I know WP7 doesn’t yet support HTML5 or Flash. I thought android did. (Well many don’t have flash, but most 2.2 devices do.) Either way it works on most 2.2 android devices (epic, evo, galaxy)


    Plugin Author simon.ward


    @serf, is the box there when the player is the only active plugin? if yes then is it there when you switch to the default theme? If you’re happy to send me a login (via contact form on my site) then i’ll take a look for you.


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