• Has anyone ever had a problem with images in posts not showing up when you click on one of the categories in the sidebar? What was your solution?

    The theme I’m using has a “Show excerpt” option, but I’ve disabled it.

    Still, whenever I click on one of the categories on my sidebar it takes me to the posts but they are all in italics and the images do not show. I’ve checked everywhere in my code for “the_excerpt” in “archive” but nothing.

    I’m using the “Fazio” theme. Below is the code in “Archive.php”:

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id="pagewrap">
    	<div id="page">
    		<div id="content">
    			<h2 class="page_note">
    				<?php if(is_day()) : ?>
    					<?php printf(__('Daily Archives: <span>%s</span>', 'fazio'), get_the_date()); ?>
    				<?php elseif(is_month()) : ?>
    					<?php printf(__('Monthly Archives: <span>%s</span>', 'fazio'), get_the_date('F Y')); ?>
    				<?php elseif(is_year()) : ?>
    					<?php printf(__('Yearly Archives: <span>%s</span>', 'fazio'), get_the_date('Y')); ?>
    				<?php else : ?>
    					<?php _e('Blog Archives', 'fazio'); ?>
    				<?php endif; ?>
    			<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
    				<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_content(); ?>
    					<?php get_template_part('dry/post'); ?>
    				<?php endwhile; ?>
    			<?php pagination(); ?>
    			<?php else : ?>
    				<p><?php get_template_part('dry/404'); ?></p>
    			<?php endif; ?>
    		</div><!-- end content -->
    		<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    	</div><!-- end page -->
    </div><!-- end pagewrap -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    If anyone out there could tell me their solution I would be most grateful. This thing is driving me crazy.

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  • Thread Starter giantman


    Update: It doesn’t show anything else either. It looks like it will only show text, and that text is in italics for some reason.

    Thread Starter giantman


    Sorry one more thing…this theme does support the ability for images and links to display when you click over into the categories. I just have to figure out where and what to edit in the code I guess.

    The option in the ACP is only used when you are in the Home page. In the archives it will always show the excerpt.

    Now that I think, I don’t know why I did it like this. My fault.

    To modify this behavior, edit
    fazio/dry/post.php in line 39 to 50:

    <?php if(fazio_option('layout_show_excerpt') == 'on' OR !is_home() OR fazio_option('layout_full_post') == 'off') : ?>
    		<div class="post_excerpt classic_layout">
    			<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if((is_home() && fazio_option('layout_full_post') == 'on') OR is_single()) : ?>
    	<div class="entry">
    		<?php the_content(__('Keep reading...', 'fazio')); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    To this:

    <?php if(!is_single() && fazio_option('layout_full_post') == 'off') : ?>
    		<div class="post_excerpt classic_layout">
    			<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if(is_single() OR (fazio_option('layout_full_post') == 'on')) : ?>
    	<div class="entry">
    		<?php the_content(__('Keep reading...', 'fazio')); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    I think thats it.

    Thread Starter giantman


    It worked! Thank you.

    Thread Starter giantman


    Hey one last question for you teleportz. How would I modify the comments.php so that the e-mail form is hidden and the value is “[email protected]” for every comment, since it’s required?

    I seen an example of this but their comments.php was coded differently so I can’t figure it out.

    Thread Starter giantman



    Add this to your functions.php

    add_filter('comment_form_default_fields', 'fazio_hide_email_field', 100);
    function fazio_hide_email_field($fields)
    	$fields['email'] = '<input type="hidden" id="email" name="email" value="[email protected]" />';
    	return $fields;
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