• Resolved Carlos Blázquez



    Related with this topic:


    Which does not have a published solution, nor does the plugin have the solution applied to make it compatible; I have developed an improvement for Elementor compatibility by refactoring your plugin’s footer function Javascript:

    public function footer()
        if ( isset( $this->options['enable'] ) && esc_attr( $this->options['enable'] ) == 'on' )
            $excludeCountries = empty( $this->options['excludeCountries'] ) ? array() : $this->options['excludeCountries'];
            $preferredCountries = empty( $this->options['preferredCountries'] ) ? array() : $this->options['preferredCountries'];
            $onlyCountries = empty( $this->options['onlyCountries'] ) ? array() : $this->options['onlyCountries'];
            if ( isset( $this->options['enable_geoip_loopup'] ) && $this->options['enable_geoip_loopup'] == 'on' )
                require_once WPITFDC_ROOT_DIR . '/includes/vendor/autoload.php';
                // This creates the Reader object, 
                $reader = new Reader( WPITFDC_ROOT_DIR . '/assets/vendor/GeoLite2-Country/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb' );
                    $VisitorGeo = $reader->country( $this->get_visitor_ip() );
                    $initialCountry = $VisitorGeo->country->isoCode;
                catch ( Exception $e )
                    $initialCountry = '';
                <script type="text/javascript">
                    window.intlTelInputGlobalsSetup = {
                        excludeCountries: <?php echo json_encode( $itioptions['excludeCountries'] ); ?>,
                        initialCountry: '<?php echo strtolower( $itioptions['initialCountry'] ); ?>',
                        onlyCountries: <?php echo json_encode( $itioptions['onlyCountries'] ); ?>,
                        preferredCountries: <?php echo json_encode( $itioptions['preferredCountries'] ); ?>,
                        separateDialCode: true
                    function intlTelInputInit()
                        jQuery( 'input[type="tel"]:not(.iti__tel)' ).each( function( index, element )
                            var id = 'countryCode' + Date.now(), name = ( typeof jQuery( element ).attr( 'name' ) !== 'undefined' && jQuery( element ).attr( 'name' ) !== '' ) ? jQuery( element ).attr( 'name' ) : 'phoneNumber';
                            jQuery( element ).removeAttr( 'name' ).after( '<input id="countryCode' + id + '" class="iti__tel" name="' + name + '" type="hidden" />' ).intlTelInput(
                                excludeCountries: window.intlTelInputGlobalsSetup.excludeCountries,
                                initialCountry: window.intlTelInputGlobalsSetup.initialCountry,
                                onlyCountries: window.intlTelInputGlobalsSetup.onlyCountries,
                                preferredCountries: window.intlTelInputGlobalsSetup.preferredCountries,
                                separateDialCode: window.intlTelInputGlobalsSetup.separateDialCode
                            } ).addClass( 'iti__tel' );
                        } );
                        window.intlTelInputInterval = window.intlTelInputInterval || setInterval( function()
                            jQuery( 'input[type="hidden"].iti__tel' ).each( function( index, element )
                                var iti = jQuery( element ).prev( '.iti' ), prefix = iti.find( '.iti__selected-dial-code' ).text(), phone = iti.find( 'input[type="tel"].iti__tel' ).val(), newVal = phone === '' ? '' : prefix + phone;
                                jQuery( element ).val( newVal );
                            } );
                        }, 500 );
                    jQuery( document ).ready( function( )
                            if ( isset( $this->options['enable_geoip_loopup_ajax'] ) && $this->options['enable_geoip_loopup_ajax'] == 'on' )
                                    jQuery.get( "<?= admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ); ?>", { action: 'wpitfdc_get_visitor_country' }, function( data )
                                        window.intlTelInputGlobalsSetup.initialCountry = data;
                                    } );
                    } );

    Then, in Elementor you have to create this code snippet:

    jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
    	jQuery( document ).on( 'elementor/popup/show', function( event, id, instance ) {
    		if( jQuery( 'input[type="tel"]:not(.iti__tel)' ).length && typeof( intlTelInputInit ) === 'function' ) {
    	} );
    } );

    I hope you will consider it suitable for a future update of your plugin.


Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • @carlosblazquez4global
    Thank you first of all for your solution, plugin devs didn’t do it even till now…

    I will try to do it on my websites

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by bashiachuki.
    1. I added 1st code in plugin index.php (replaced old code)
    2. I added 2nd code in Elementor -> Custom code like this: https://i.imgur.com/qve2pfD.png

    But unfortunately, it doesn’t work, flags disappeared at all from the elementor contact form

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by bashiachuki.
    Thread Starter Carlos Blázquez


    Hello, @bakoline .

    I had to retake this modification in a new project, so I took the opportunity to improve and correct the proposed refactoring:

    	public function footer()
    		if ( isset( $this->options['enable'] ) && esc_attr( $this->options['enable'] ) == 'on' )
    			$itioptions = [
    				'excludeCountries' => empty( $this->options['excludeCountries'] ) ? [] : $this->options['excludeCountries'],
    				'initialCountry' => '',
    				'onlyCountries' => empty( $this->options['onlyCountries'] ) ? [] : $this->options['onlyCountries'],
    				'preferredCountries' => empty( $this->options['preferredCountries'] ) ? [] : $this->options['preferredCountries'],
    			if ( isset( $this->options['enable_geoip_loopup'] ) && $this->options['enable_geoip_loopup'] == 'on' )
    				require_once WPITFDC_ROOT_DIR . '/includes/vendor/autoload.php';
    				// This creates the Reader object, 
    				$reader = new Reader( WPITFDC_ROOT_DIR . '/assets/vendor/GeoLite2-Country/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb' );
    					$VisitorGeo = $reader->country( $this->get_visitor_ip() );
    					$itioptions['initialCountry'] = $VisitorGeo->country->isoCode;
    				catch ( Exception $e )
    					$itioptions['initialCountry'] = '';
    					window.wpitfdc = {
    							excludeCountries: <?php echo json_encode( $itioptions['excludeCountries'] ); ?>,
    							initialCountry: '<?php echo strtolower( $itioptions['initialCountry'] ); ?>',
    							onlyCountries: <?php echo json_encode( $itioptions['onlyCountries'] ); ?>,
    							preferredCountries: <?php echo json_encode( $itioptions['preferredCountries'] ); ?>,
    							separateDialCode: true
    						interval: null,
    						init: function ( scope )
    							jQuery( 'input[type="tel"]:not(.iti__tel)', scope ).each( function( index, element )
    								var name = jQuery( element ).attr( 'name' ) || 'phoneNumber';
    								jQuery( element ).removeAttr( 'name' ).after( '<input class="iti__tel" name="' + name + '" type="hidden">' ).intlTelInput(
    									excludeCountries: window.wpitfdc.options.excludeCountries,
    									initialCountry: window.wpitfdc.options.initialCountry,
    									onlyCountries: window.wpitfdc.options.onlyCountries,
    									preferredCountries: window.wpitfdc.options.preferredCountries,
    									separateDialCode: window.wpitfdc.options.separateDialCode
    								} ).addClass( 'iti__tel' );
    							} );
    							window.wpitfdc.interval = window.wpitfdc.interval || setInterval( function()
    								jQuery( 'input[type="hidden"].iti__tel' ).each( function( index, element )
    									var iti = jQuery( element ).prev( '.iti' ), prefix = iti.find( '.iti__selected-dial-code' ).text(), phone = iti.find( 'input[type="tel"].iti__tel' ).val(), newVal = phone === '' ? '' : prefix + phone;
    									jQuery( element ).val( newVal );
    								} );
    							}, 500 );
    					jQuery( document ).ready( function()
    			if ( isset( $this->options['enable_geoip_loopup_ajax'] ) && $this->options['enable_geoip_loopup_ajax'] == 'on' )
    						jQuery.get( '<?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ); ?>', { action: 'wpitfdc_get_visitor_country' }, function( data )
    							window.wpitfdc.options.initialCountry = data;
    							window.wpitfdc.init( document );
    						} );
    						window.wpitfdc.init( document );
    					} );

    Then, the Elementor code snippet will look like this:

    jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
    	jQuery( document ).on( 'elementor/popup/show', function( event, id, instance ) {
    		//International Telephone Input With Flags And Dial Codes
    		if( jQuery( 'input[type="tel"]:not(.iti__tel)', instance.$element ).length && typeof( window.wpitfdc.init ) === 'function' ) {
    			window.wpitfdc.init( instance.$element );
    	} );
    } );

    Tested and working in pop-up windows. I hope it helps you.

    @carlosblazquez4global I did everything as you wrote

    1. I added 1st code in plugin index.php (replaced old code) here: /wp-content/plugins/international-telephone-input-with-flags-and-dial-codes
    2. Then I added javascript code like this: https://imgur.com/a/jURG3PD

    But unfortunately, in the popup, it still flags can not be changed

    Link: https://adproduction.ge/

    Here’s video as well: https://www.loom.com/share/7c6fcf55e24f4e88a44f1eddd757dab7

    And without your modifications, it works everywhere, except popups with mobile view

    Thread Starter Carlos Blázquez


    Hi, @bakoline .

    It’s working now, isn’t it? I have tested the selector in the popup of your website and it shows the international codes.

    @carlosblazquez4global No Carlos, its now different plugin active on the website. I couldn’t make your solution work

    Thread Starter Carlos Blázquez


    I see that this add-on is designed specifically for Elementor Pro:

    Country Code For Elementor Form Telephone Field By Cool Plugins

    So problem solved, don’t you think? And let this other add-on abandoned by its author fall into oblivion.

    Yeah… totally agree, finally someone did other same functionality plugins…

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