As @threadi put it, the functionalities of WordPress and Laravel differ. One is a framework, the other a content management system. You’ll need to take the following steps:
- Create a design kit that matches https://printpasal.com/. This includes the HTML design, and the content structure. You can grab an online HTMl converter to help you.
- Determine the extensions you’ll need to transfer functionality to the new site. You seem to have an online shop, so WooCommerce is a bet when it comes to handling youe eCommerce needs. You’ll also need a compatible chatbot for Messenger, like WP-Chatbot for Messenger would be a good fit. Other plugins may include Gravity Forms for form management, UberMenu for mega menus, etc
- Install a fresh copy of WordPress.
- Create a custom theme to match your design. You could hire an expert to help you, or use DIY theme builders like Elementor.
- Move in your content and test as you go
There could be other additional steps to take, but hopefully you’ve gotten a glimpse of what you’ll need to do to start off.
Wish you well! (And get back in case you need further help).