answering post my name links off site
I’ve looked “everywhere” and have not found an answer, I need help in redirecting the link when my name is clicked on instead of my answer., when I reply to a post if the response is clicked on it returns to the post page as it should but if my name that preceedes the resposne is clicked it links to Joomla!’s installation page. The only time I visited Joomla’s site was linking from another WP blog just to see what it was about, I did not instal the program. Blogging is all VERY new to me and I’ve read quite a bit so I would start off right but this (as many things are at this time)is beyond me. How do I get my name to link back to my site? Any help would be most appreciated.
ps when it asks for tags on a question/comment like this what would I enter?
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