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  • do a search for alternating colours – you’d be surprisd how many times this has been requested and answered. there are several methods including css and using a plugin to do it for you. but do the search and you’ll have various options.

    Thread Starter Jabbok


    Well, that’s kind of like the search I did yesterday. I wanted “Number of Words in Post”. I searched for “Word Count”, “Number of Words”, “Words in Post” . . . all the links were dead and the discussion was for version 1.2

    I finally found what I was looking for – thanks to another – under “Post-Teaser”. It was a plugin that suited my needs but I would never have thought to search for “Post-Teaser”.

    I’ve searched for “Alternating Colors” and “Alternating Comment Colors”. The links are dead. The comments fall short. Couldn’t find a plugin or any information that proved useful.

    If the available information wasn’t so scattered I believe fewer repeat questions would be asked. There has GOT to be a way to catalogue all of the available instructions in an easy to read and follow database.

    I’m sure someone will now say, “There is one…look HERE” and then go “HERE” which will take you “HERE” and inform you that everything has been moved “HERE” which will give you an error message: PAGE NOT FOUND!

    That’s not detailed enough?

    You make it sound like the site is broken, which it isn’t. If you find the search function here inadequate you can search the WP site using google as well, which will provide more links. The search DOES work, and I’ve rarely encountered a lack of information in topics already answered or problems with pages not found.

    The search term I used was alternating colours (yes, I know that’s proper English, but since US English is made up I use the real deal :))

    Some of that thread is now referring to the legacy position and can be confusing.
    Support for alt comment styling is now built in in1.5 in comments.php default, and can be accessed thru the use of #commentlist li alt as the selector.

    It is exactly as Root says, you can figure out how it works by studying (and dissecting) the default comments.php and the relevant parts in the style.css. I easily implemented the alternating comment colors in my theme.

    Thread Starter Jabbok


    This is a good example.
    I followed the above link:
    which suggested that I go to this link:
    which then listed these links:
    which all suggested that I start with the Kubrick Theme. I don’t have the Kubrick theme so I did a search — “Kubrick Theme” and got a list of links that discussed modifying the Kubrick Theme but not one link as to where to go to get it.

    I’ll keep wading….

    Now, “The Legacy Position”….hmmm, never heard of that. Wonder what I should search for?

    Ok. By numbers. Use comments.php from the default.

    Jabbok, do you mean you deleted (even from your computer) the Default WP theme – as K. is called now in WP 1.5? I understand you not using it on your site, but keeping a copy on your box… it doesn’t harm.
    If you take a look at the comments.php in the deafult theme you’ll find the answer – the code is commented. After that you just have to add a few lines (from the deafult style.css referring to “alt” and chabge the colors to match your own design).
    No need for any search around here.

    Thread Starter Jabbok


    I have the “WordPress Default 1.5” which says it’s based on the Kubrick Theme.
    Since I saved all of the themes on my computer, I scanned those names and didn’t find “Kubrick”. I went to my Admin/Presentation and saw that the WP Default had a link to “Kubrick”.
    I followed the link to Binary Bonsai and this is what it said:

    As per version 1.5, a ported version of Kubrick v1.2.6 has been bundled with WordPress as the default style. WordPress 1.5 can be downloaded from the WordPress site. Please be aware that the bundled version differs in various ways from the one you find here. If you are using WordPress 1.5, don’t bother downloading Kubrick v1.2.6.

    So, I guess “Strayhorn” is the “Kubrick” theme? I looked at the files that were bundled with “Strayhorn” and there are TWO files named comments.php

    I looked at both of these…straight from the download site…and there are no comments.

    I do thank you all for your patience though.

    Strayhorn was just the name for the release of WP. The default theme is based off of Kubrick although it was modified slightly for 1.5 I believe.

    What do you mean there are no comments? In regards to your alternating colors, I’m looking at the comments.php file located in the Default theme and it contains code which allows you to style it to have alternating colors.

    OK, just for clarification.
    Strayhorn is the name of the WP version 1.5.
    Kubrick used to be a “style” or design (you name it) for WP.
    When you download the stable WP 1.5 version it has 2 themes in the wp-contents/themes folder: classic and default.
    The default is based on Kubrick.
    As I said: go to the default theme, open the comments.php file in an editor and you will see how the alternating colors are implemented.
    That’s all.

    Thread Starter Jabbok


    This has been a valuable lesson and example of why an updated database of information is needful. I wish I were smart enough to develope one.

    As I have no idea what to do now (None of the links or suggestions make sense to me and I’m sure it’s because of my ignorance and not anyone elses efforts) I’ll just wait.

    I’m certain that one day….someone else will post the same question.
    They’ll get an answer like:
    Step 1 – do this
    Step 2 – do this
    You’re done!

    I will then copy that information onto a page at my site where I can direct the 100’s of inquirer’s that will undoubtedly ask this same thing again and again.


    Step 1. Make sure that the theme you are using contains a file called comments.php.

    Step 2. Make sure said file is from 1.5 and actually contains the necessary code which is $oddcomment = 'alt';

    Step 3. Edit your style.css accordingly as follows:

    #commentlist li .alt {your fancy stuff}

    Thread Starter Jabbok


    There is a parade marching down my street! Tuba’s and Trombones are playing and the MC is high-stepping with his baton.

    What an experience.

    As promised. Here is my page describing the process I took to finally achieve Alternating Colors in the Comments Section.

    What are we going to call that. The Jabbok 3 step programme ? ?? Glad you / we made it. Nice write up. (reaches for very large Jack Daniels)….

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