• regnalf


    I’ve already reported this, but didn’t got an answer, here again!

    I would like to display a custom list of event posts on a page, where the publish date is also displayed. For this I use, or rather the theme I use, the function get_the_date.

    But this function is overridden by you with a hook and returns the event start date instead:

    //Override post template tags 
    add_filter('get_the_date',array('EM_Event_Post','the_date'),10,3); ...
    public static function the_date( $the_date, $d = '', $post = null ){$post = get_post( $post ); if( $post->post_type == EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT ){ $EM_Event = em_get_event($post); if ( '' == $d ){ $the_date = $EM_Event->start()->i18n(get_option('date_format')); }else{ $the_date = $EM_Event->start()->i18n($d); } } return $the_date; }
    public function start( $utc_timezone = false ){ return apply_filters('em_event_start', $this->get_datetime('start', $utc_timezone), $this); }

    But that is the wrong use of this function, because according to WordPress Codex with get_the_date always the publish date is meant!

    This should definitely be changed!

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