@smartwebeu Have you checked the under the Additional tab – the View Retrieved Data? This will show the raw data received through the Places API.
There are a few things to look for here:
- If you’ve recently updated the plugin and you have no new data at all, please click the Clear Cache button to force the retrieval to after midnight each day
- If you only just updated Google My Business, the Places API may not have the current information in there
- Please check the Place ID is a match for the business (do not just search for the address, use the business’s name)
Note: only regular opening hours are included in the Places API data; no special opening hours are included. I do recommend using Structured Data for a more complete synchronisation process – with the original data sourced from your website rather than Google My Business.
There have been some changes to this functionality recently. So, if you still don’t see the expected results, please drop me a message.