• Resolved sleeva



    I had vacation for 3 weeks.
    Yesterday I tried to write new post on my blog ang I get error:
    No post id returned from Facebook, $fb_response was

    On blog, post is ok.

    I have got wpbook
    Before vacation plugins was working.

    Aha, blog tab on fb display nothing ??
    loading… loading and blank.

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  • B.


    When did you get this error and what is the url of your blog and the app url on Facebook? Also, did you happen to report this on bugs.wpbook.net we had something simuluar show up recently.

    Thread Starter sleeva


    1. i get this error everytime when post has “normal” size. one or two photo, some text.

    When i did test (subject: test, bodypost: test) – post has gone to fb.

    2. blog: https://aikidochoszczowka.pl fb: facebook.com/aikidochoszczowka

    3. now, temporary im using wordbooker, but it has some little bugs :/

    wpbook was excellent. maybe fb has changed something?

    4. im going to bugs.wpbook.net now

    best regards from Poland



    You’re the second person to report this with a non-english blog in the past week. I commented over at the bug tracker as well so if you get a chance maybe head over to bugs and answer some of the questions here https://bugs.wpbook.net/view.php?id=27#c36 I still haven’t be able to reproduce it but that dosen’t mean it’s not happening.

    Thread Starter sleeva


    ?? i cant write here: https://bugs.wpbook.net/view.php?id=27
    no form to add new comment ??

    “Okay, quick question are you seeing this in your Profile tab or in your Page tab? Facebook is removing Tabs inside profiles starting today.”

    Error i have got in wordpress

    in tab in fanpage there is nothing – blank middle column

    “standalone” application works ( https://apps.facebook.com/aikidochoszczowka/?ref=bookmarks&count=0 )



    Okay, tab in Profile or Page?


    Thread Starter sleeva



    Wpbook is configured only for page.

    In wordpress settings i’ve got:

    [ ] Publish new posts to YOUR Facebook Wall Profile ID
    [x] Publish new posts to the Wall of this Fan Page, Application Profile Page, or Group: PageID

    but error i’ve got in wordpress after click “publish”.

    i’ve found this code in publish_to_facebook.php line 174

    if($fb_response != ”) {
    add_post_meta($my_post->ID,’_wpbook_page_stream_time’,0); // no comments imported
    } else {
    $wpbook_message = ‘No post id returned from Facebook, $fb_response was ‘ .$fb_response;
    wp_die($wpbook_message,’WPBook Error publishing to page’);

    there is no content in $fb_response ?

    Same problem here (Poland again ?? )

    I’ve noticed that simple posts are going to FB Wall Page but when i add image
    <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-336" title="MIC" src="https://test.studioszo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/MIC1-300x240.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="240" /> it fails with ‘No post id returned from Facebook’.

    Any ideas?

    Looks to me like maybe the Facebook publishing code fails when there is an image attached which is too large?

    Not sure why this would impact some users and not others, but it may have to do with some specific combinations of WordPress config and Facebook config – where you are publishing too, for example.

    Unfortunately FB is just returning null, rather than throwing a useful error code.

    This is difficult to troubleshoot as it is non-reproducible for me, but I will see what I can do.

    got the same problem too when post with photo



    It looks like all the bugs with this problem are Non-English. Which truly does make it difficult to troubleshoot. I’m not sure how “publish to Facebook” works and how it’s getting a content. My guess a special (non-standard english) character is throwing the error.

    @thexderz – Do you *only* have the problem when posting with photos?

    @zewlack – same for you – it works fine so long as you don’t include a photo?

    Is the issue perhaps with nothing but a photo? Are you including some text before the photo?

    @bandonrandon – publish_to_facebook gets its content at lines 50-61, basically using $my_post->post_excerpt or $my_post->post_content depending on whether the post has an excerpt. It then runs that content through wp_filter_nohtml_kses, and stripslashes, as no HTML at all is allowed in the wall postings.

    All – I’ve just checked in a version with a bit more debug info on the place where this error is triggered. Please get the development version from the other versions page (it’s down at the bottom) tonight and try it out.

    I have this problem as well, except I just installed WPbook.

    I followed the detailed instructions to setup the plugin settings as well as the facebook developer page.

    I have this problem posting anything, not just photos and have yet to get a post on my FB wall. I’m thinking I have some settings wrong.

    Most things look exactly the same as the instructions in the plugin settings except the ‘Stream publishing option’. I have custom urls on fb so I cannot find the # ID anymore. When I click ‘grant permission for this user’ it gives me an error:

    API Error Code: 114
    API Error Description: Invalid user id list
    Error Message: must be a valid ID string (e.g., “123”)

    that’s the only thing that seems iffy on the plugin side. On the FB developer side, everything seems to be working ok, when i type in the aps.facebook.com link, it brings me to the fb link with my blog imported.

    Please help!



    @jacksonz to get your profile ID you can go https://graph.facebook.com/%5BUsername%5D if it’s a page ID the ID is listed in the url. Hope that helps.

    awesome bandon! That gave the profile ID.

    @jacksonz this is also a different problem.

    Please keep this thread for dealing with the “no post id returned from Facebook” error users are getting when publishing new posts – thanks.

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