• hello, my thinking is that if I switch to a community theme from my current commercial theme (Astra), my site’s performance would improve.

    when i measure on Google pageinsights my performance goes up by 10 points on the 2023 theme.

    but there are a bunch of bad reviews for 2023 and I read the goal of the 2023 team is to showcase the latest technology not necessarily best performance.

    speed is most important for me. In fact, I’m getting rid of a bunch of plugins and now using only native Gutenberg blocks

    i have access to a student coding person and I’m prepared to invest in heavy customization. I definitely don’t need a lot of GUI bells and whistles.

    I just want to make sure I’m investing my customization money into the most efficient community theme.

    so my question: is 2023 the best community theme for what I describe?

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  • Hey @polaatx ! I don’t necessarily agree that a community theme would be faster than a commercial theme by default. However, 2023 is one of the lightweight options available, and can serve as a great base to build upon. This is especially true if you’re going to stick to the block and site editing paradigm.

    If you’re okay with starting from a bare-bones theme that does the basics, and build your design on top of it, this is a great option. You can also check some other popular options like Ollie, Variations, etc.

    Thread Starter Alex T.


    hi @properlypurple

    many thanks. I’m checking out Ollie and Variations.

    Another reason I’m focusing on community themes is that with Astra it has its own way of doing things. So customization has to be done to fit Astra. So over time we become more and more invested in Astra and more difficult to switch away..

    with community themes I am thinking there is a standard followed and switching themes , if it becomes necessary in the future, would not require as much redoing of our customization.

    is my thinking correct?

    Newer block themes, in general, are much less complicated, and easier to maintain. This means that the majority of customization is actually done via built-in block and page editing.

    with community themes I am thinking there is a standard followed and switching themes , if it becomes necessary in the future, would not require as much redoing of our customization.

    This actually depends on the kind of customization you’re thinking of. Can you share some examples of what customizations you might do, that you would want to carry over when switching themes?

    Thread Starter Alex T.


    Hello @properlypurple, customizations we’ve done so far is the addition of new post types. For example, we have a gallery post type:


    As you can see, the way the text and thumbs are displayed is all customized on the backend.

    The person who created this post type is a recent IT graduate and relatively new to WordPress. He had to learn how to create a new post type.

    Now he is, understandably, resistent to learning to do all this in a block theme and learn to use FSE. He says the backend of FSE is entirely new and requires a lot of learning.

    But I’m thinking why postpone what is the future. I myself resisted Gutenberg inially and even had plugin installed to disable Gutenberg entirely. But eventually I began using it and now I don’t want to use Classic at all.

    In fact, I was disappointed to see the the Category and Tag pages still use Classic text editor in the 2023 theme. Why keep the classic editor after all this talk about using blocks?

    Thank you for sharing these details. It sounds like you’d want to put these customizations in a site-specific functionality plugin. There’s a nice article about this on css-tricks.

    If you have custom shortcodes or template tags, those can be converted to blocks using something like lazy blocks or ACF blocks. This way, your theme will only be responsible for styling, making it much easier to keep functionality while changing themes.

    In fact, I was disappointed to see the the Category and Tag pages still use Classic text editor in the 2023 theme. Why keep the classic editor after all this talk about using blocks?

    Can you share more about this, perhaps including a screenshot if you can?

    Thread Starter Alex T.


    Hi @properlypurple,

    About Category and Tag pages still using Classic text editor

    See the screenshot below of the edit category page in a fresh install of 2023 Theme.

    It is still using classic, which is surprising after all this talk about blocks. Is there a good reason that Category and Tag pages are still not using Gutenberg?

    Is there a way to turn these pages into Gutenberg? We made the decision (perhaps bad decision) to use the category pages as the starting points in our website but lack of Gutenberg reduces things we can do with the page.

    About switching to block theme

    The young man whom I asked to use the 2023 theme is understandably resistant. He says that using blocks is good for frontend editors but reduces his ability to customize the site. So, if he is going to do the frontend of the site, why are we switching to a block theme? he asks.

    My response is that we want to go to the direction that wordpress is going and not resist new techonology.

    @polaatx ??

    About Category and Tag pages still using Classic text editor

    These pages are only for setting up a brief description for the category/tag. If I remember correctly, the description only supports basic HTML, so it would not be very useful to have a full-fledged editor here.

    For the actual category/tag archive pages, you can find a template under Appearance > Editor that will let you modify the actual layout of those pages. I made a short video that shows where and how to edit these templates, which you can download on this link (please right click and save).

    Thread Starter Alex T.


    Hi?@properlypurple, many thanks for the video. It was helpful.

    I understand there is a Gutenberg block called Term Description. But when I edit a category page, it still pulls up with a Classic editor, correct?

    It just seems strange to me why Classic is still there.

    We switched to the 2023 Theme from Astra Theme. Our performance on Google Pageinsights went up by 10%.

    But many things are messy and new Css needs to be written.

    For example, Custom Html block where we stored google map iframes are all aligned left now, instead of center as they where before.

    Moderator jordesign


    Hi @polaatx,

    I understand there is a Gutenberg block called Term Description. But when I edit a category page, it still pulls up with a Classic editor, correct?

    It just seems strange to me why Classic is still there

    I can understand the confusion there – the place where edit the actual term description and details is something that is not yet in the Block Editor. It’s not so much that it uses the Classic Editor, but that it uses a simple plain-text input.

    For what it is worth – the Site Editor does allow you to set up templates for specific taxonomy terms – so if you wanted more control over content and layout of certain taxonomy archives – you could add those separately.

    But many things are messy and new Css needs to be written.

    Sadly – that is somewhat to be expected with any kind of theme switch – as themes will have different structures and CSS classes.

    For example, Custom Html block where we stored google map iframes are all aligned left now, instead of center as they where before.

    That definitely sounds frustrating. One thing I could suggest is to ‘Group’ those HTML blocks – and set some alignment on the Group to make sure it sits centered.


    If that doesn’t work – could you please share a link to the pages where that is happening and I can take a look?

    Thread Starter Alex T.


    Hello @jordesign, thanks a lot for your response.

    Yes, getting stuck with the limitations of the category / tag pages is a pain in the neck. We made the decision to make some categories starting points for our travel site (and the anchor of our breadcrumbs) but now we have this white elephant in middle of an FSE site. Having gotten used to using blocks, dealing with Classic is not comfortable. For example, I write html code in the Text mode. Then as soon as I switch to Visual mode, it just erases whatever it does not like. Aggghh!!!! (Is there a way to stop it from doing that???)

    For what it is worth – the Site Editor?does?allow you to set up templates for specific taxonomy terms – so if you wanted more control over content and layout of certain taxonomy archives – you could add those separately.

    Could you please explain more? I can create a block template for a specific category?

    Here, for example, is the category that is at the top of all our breadcrumbs. https://escapefromtehran.com/category/authentic-iran-travel-tour/

    Moderator jordesign


    For example, I write html code in the Text mode. Then as soon as I switch to Visual mode, it just erases whatever it does not like. Aggghh!!!! (Is there a way to stop it from doing that???)

    As that field is just a plain text input – it’s not made to save HTML (which is why it is stripped out). It’s possible those admin fields may get updates in the future – but it’s not something I’m currently aware of.

    Could you please explain more? I can create a block template for a specific category?

    Here, for example, is the category that is at the top of all our breadcrumbs.?https://escapefromtehran.com/category/authentic-iran-travel-tour/

    For sure ?? If you head to the Site Editor (Appearance > Editor) and then to Templates you can click the [+] button at the top of the panel to add a new template.

    At that point you can select that you wish to add a Taxonomy Template – and then that you’d like to set it up for a specific Taxonomy item (and select ‘Authentic Iran Travel Tour’.

    Could you please give that a try and see how it goes?

    Thread Starter Alex T.


    @jordesign thanks so much for your response. I made it work. I created a theme for that catergory. I guess that solves my problem: instead of using the Term Description block, I just put in a paragraph block and type my description inside the template. In other words, that template becomes my EDIT CATEGORY page. Weird work-around but I guess it works. Or does this work-around create other issues?

    Moderator jordesign


    Hey @polaatx – that’s great news! It sounds like you’ve done exactly what will work – and it shouldn’t cause any other issues.

    If you wanted to have the same amount of control over other Archive/category pages you’d just need to do the same thing (creating a new template for each).

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