Hi medialarts,
I cannot confirm without a link, but I can almost guarantee that you are using a page caching solution.
Page Caching works by loading a page once and then saving the result of that page exactly. So if you were to randomly load 10 questions, then those same 10 questions will show every time because they have been cached.
You will need to disable page caching on the page with the quiz. The way to do this will change based on what caching solution you use, but most will have an option/setting for “excludes” where you can enter the URL of the page to exclude from the cache. Basically, page caching is not compatible with ANY kind of dynamic content.
If you have disabled caching for that page, or are otherwise certain that you are not using caching (check your host too! Sometimes your host has its own caching solution), then let me know. This would mean that something else on your site (either your theme, or another plugin), is overriding WordPress’ query order and forcing things to be sorted by date. If this is the case, I can help walk you through finding the source.