Excellent header, though i would say, a logo will help you make a brand, so perhaps you would like to put a logo as well. Here are a few quick suggestions,
1) Friendly links – Your blog is established or so it seems, and changing the permalinks might be a bit too late as it might affect your serps. But still consider getting friendly permalinks, it surely helps a lot in seo.
2) Perhaps removing the calender option from the sidebar would be a wise idea, the real estate on the sidebar is very limited and putting a non productive thing like calender does not makes much sense.
3) There is way too many things on your homepage and it makes it scrawl a long way down. Perhaps you can use those read more tags.
4) You have great content, which is something that we don’t find in every blog, so i would really suggest you to use the social media buttons and widgets to attract more visitors. Am sure your posts will create a lot of buzz on the social network.
over all it is a very good blog, keep it updated,