I am glad to hear it was working great for your launch. Something must have happened for it to stop working. Have you raised a ticket about this? if so kindly share the link to it.
I am not enough good a javascript to know if this kind of error could allow a injection or not. but as using single quote in the translated specific term, that has an effect on the code, so keep an eye on it
Would you mind kindly sharing a screenshot of the translations that causing the issue. Also the link to the ticket at helpdesk if you could kindly. Merci Beaucoup!
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Ashan Perera.
Helpdesk Ashanjay.com : ticket Ticket #327032 Translation that causing the issue : ‘Ticket could not be added to cart, try again later!’ Screenshot : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hyh8ugn49h8vf09u6cbbg/event_on.jpg?rlkey=3n01xclvymv63r1gsff2bpmz8&dl=0 Javascript error (t4) : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘Ticket added to cart successfully!’ in {“t1″:”Ajout\u00e9 au panier”,”t2″:”Panier”,”t3″:”Commander”,”t4″:”Le billet n\ at a.fn.evotx_show_msg (tx_wc_tickets.min.js:1:8554) at Object.success (tx_wc_tickets.min.js:1:7055) at c (jquery.min.js:2:25266) at Object.fireWith as resolveWith at l (jquery.min.js:2:77721) at XMLHttpRequest. (jquery.min.js:2:80204)
Super thank you very much for sharing this info!! The ticket seems to be closed on Sept 19, 2023, I reopened it!
In the meantime here is the patch fix to resolve this issue.
We will release an official update with this fix in next version. We also much appreciate if you could kindly revisit your review as we are just starting out on www.remarpro.com and reviews helps us a lot to establish a base here to continue supporting EventON in the future. ??
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