impossible to integrate my personal videos?
Good morning,
I still can’t integrate my personal videos (so locally on my computer) to the plug-in…???
I’m on the WP dasboard, I start from the menu of All-in-One-Gallery: All video/ (I select my gallery) and I modify gallery: I have the classic editor and I click on the button (add media), then I have the media library (with my videos loaded then I select them) but under the classic editor, so it always displays them to me one under the other,
-/ however before, in the dasboard of the plug-in, I selected on 3 columns, .. and in addition there are several methods to do it…:-(( ,
either: -/ by generating a shortcode that I copied into my page but nothing is displayed
-/ and I tried with the block (gutenber) widget AIOV-Video-Gallery but still nothing a gray frame is displayed..?? Could you describe to me the procedure to integrate my videos because I have been struggling with this problem for several days….:-(( Thank you so much!
Sorry, you should not add your videos by clicking the “Add Media” button. Kindly follow our “Getting Started” tutorial here for the step-by-step instructions. Kindly let us know if still this is not clear to you.
Technically, “All-in-One Video Gallery” is a Video Posts plugin and that allows you to display the videos in a gallery format and also make it searchable. By clicking the “Add New” button, you are actually adding a Video post which is similar to the standard WordPress post. So, you can add only one video per form (post). But, the videos are grouped by categories / tags and later displayed as a gallery.
Kindly submit a ticket here So, we can assign a developer to add a demo on your website. This should help you to better understand the plugin.
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
Thank you very much for your help but despite your information, I always have only one video which is displayed on the whole width of my screen and therefore I never have the gallery..
However, I integrated my “self-hosted” videos by repeating the operations described (step 3), I copied the shortcode in my page but no gallery is displayed.
Note: Yet I do step 4 (set all parameters number columns, …) and generate shortcode My shortcode is like [aiovg_vidéo id=”352″] is this normal?? (I did not create a category (not mandatory))
Rem: when I do “preview the modifications”, I already always have only one video which is displayed full width
Is there a counter that appears when downloading videos? (gallery creation)
Note: Yet I do step 4 (set all parameters number columns, …) and generate shortcode My shortcode is like [aiovg_vidéo id=”352″] is this normal?? (I did not create a category (not mandatory))
The shortcode you have shared belongs to a single video. Kindly make sure that select “Video Gallery” in the shortcode builder. This would generate a shortcode like [aiovg_videos]. Note there is an “s” additionally in the shortcode.
Simply try using the shortcode [aiovg_videos]. This should display all your videos as a gallery.
Also, when generating a shortcode using the shortcode builder, it compares the parameters with the global settings and includes the attribute on the shortcode only if it has a different value. For example, if you have configured 3 columns in the settings page and select the same value in the shortcode builder, the columns attribute will not be added.
In case the issue remains, kindly submit a ticket here So, we can get some details about your website privately and further investigate the issue.
Is there a counter that appears when downloading videos?
I understand you expect the number of downloads. Very sorry, our current version doesn’t store the download count. But, I have taken note of this now. So, we would have this in the future. But, this requires some time. Kindly be patient.
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
Thank you again for your help but decidedly I still can’t do it…
:-(( I even uninstalled and reinstalled the plug-in (still the same problem): it always shows me a gray frame on which I click and always shows me only one video across the width of my site without displaying a gallery…
1/ I noticed, before reinstalling it, it shows me (in plugin installs, under your plugin thumbnail): “Not tested with your current version of WP” Is this the reason??? I have WP 6.3
2/ I notice when I do add new video , (even the first time before starting to embed my videos): it displays me in the right column (in box “publish” and field: “video shortcode”: [aiovg_video id=386] and this one remains unchanged even when I continue to add other videos..??? Is this normal?
3/ I have selected “Video gallery” and the shortcode generated at the end has videos with an S [aiovg_vidéos] Rem: my videos are between 17 and 64 MB
I don’t know what to do anymore…:-(( too bad because I have a friend who downloaded it, and said that your plug-in is great, he has no problem; him.. I wish it were the same for me…;-))
1. I noticed, before reinstalling it, it shows me (in plugin installs, under your plugin thumbnail): “Not tested with your current version of WP” Is this the reason??? I have WP 6.3
I confirm that our plugin works well in WP 6.3. Also, our demo website uses the latest WP version. So, this is not the issue. It’s just our plugin’s readme file has not been updated and this is the reason for the message. We are working on our next version and this will remove this message.
2. I notice when I do add new video , (even the first time before starting to embed my videos): it displays me in the right column (in box “publish” and field: “video shortcode”: [aiovg_video id=386] and this one remains unchanged even when I continue to add other videos..??? Is this normal?
The shortcode generated represents that particular video and you can use it to just show that single video on your post/page. The id number in the shortcode should be different for each videos. So, they are not the same for all videos.
3. I have selected “Video gallery” and the shortcode generated at the end has videos with an S [aiovg_videos] Rem: my videos are between 17 and 64 MB
Strange. I have no idea why you are not getting the gallery. I’m afraid there is a conflict. Kindly share with us your gallery page URL. So we can check this directly and get a clue about the issue.
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I even tried removing other plug-ins (thinking there were conflicts with others) and I tried to install it on another WP site: same problem !
But already when I do add new Video and the value of the “VIDEO SHORTCODE” field ( : [aiovg_video id=407] the fact that the ID always stays the same when I download other videos, it’s already not normal ??? My site is local.
The ID is generated based on the video post form. So, the ID will be the same even if you edit the same video form multiple times and change the video source. So, the ID gets changed only when you create a new video post by clicking the “Add New” button in the “All Videos” menu.
In your previous question, your video shortcode has the ID value “386” and in the last question it is “407”. So, this shows the ID value gets changed for each individual video form as it should.
Kindly make sure that you use the plural [aiovg_videos] shortcode. Technically, this should display the gallery and works for us here. To be honest, I’ve no idea what is going wrong for you. Is there any way you can get a video screencast that shows your back-end video pages and also the page with the shortcode? So, I can try to get a clue on the issue.
I don’t know how to send video screencasts to the forum??
Sorry to insist…:-(( , I tried to detail as best as possible the manipulations that I do: I tried with the following 2 methods:
-/ 1st method: So I’m all videos /add new I therefore give a title to my gallery and then I have the classic block editor but apparently useless and then in the “Video Info” part I click on the “upload file” button (I will download in the media), then I have my url which is displayed in the field
rem then the fields below are optional (subtitle, comment, excerpt,…) and I publish. and then to add my other videos, I click again on the same “upload file” button (rem: the old url of my previous photo is still displayed) and the previous url is replaced by the new url) but I no longer have the publish button but the “update” button and so on... but it doesn’t work! (still no gallery and only one video)
-/ 2nd method: After loading my 1st video (recent manipulation), I noticed that there was below the field: [+] Add more Quality Levals and clicking on this link displayed another field below which allows you to download other videos (“upload file” button at the end). I tried with this method (added 3 videos) and then I clicked on “update” but I notice as soon as the update is done , it no longer displays all my lines (with each url/video) but always only the first line (the url of my 1st video)?? Already is this the right method? Surely there is something I’m doing wrong??? Could you describe to me in your tutorial an example of creating a gallery with several self-hosted videos?
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
Thanks for the details. I understand what you are doing wrong.
What you are doing wrong?
You have only added one video by clicking the “Add New” button. Then, you are clicking the “Upload File” button in the same video form again and trying to add another video. This would simply replace the previously added video in the form.
You have misunderstood the form that comes after clicking the “Add New” button. This form belongs to the Video and not the gallery.
Note that our plugin is a “Video Posts” plugin. So, you can simply compare the “Video Gallery / All Videos” page to the standard WordPress “Posts” menu. In the “Posts” menu, you can add posts by clicking the “Add New” button. Similarly, you are adding video posts in our plugin. So, you should use the “Add New” button to add multiple videos.
Kindly follow the exact steps below,
- Go to the “Video Gallery / All Videos” menu.
- Click “Add New“. Note that by clicking the “Add New” button, you are actually adding a Video POST and not the gallery. So, the title you enter should belong to the Video itself and not the gallery.
- Add a description for your video in the Classic editor field. Note this is Optional.
- Then, add your video file by clicking the “Upload File” button.
- Finally, click the “Publish” button.
- Congrats! You have successfully added a video.
Now, follow the same steps again to add another video. So, you should click the “Add New” button again to add another video and should not edit the same form again.
And, the videos are displayed as a gallery in the front end by using the shortcode [aiovg_videos]. This would get all the videos you have added under the “Video Gallery / All Videos” menu and display them in a gallery format.
Hope this helped you!
Please feel free to contact us if still you have issues.
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
<font _mstmutation=”1″ _msttexthash=”59605″ _msthash=”318″>Hello,</font>
It FINALLY works since the time that I have been struggling with this problem!!!
In fact, from the beginning, I thought it was necessary to give a title to the gallery…!!! , As I had installed the “photo gallery and/or Gallery” plug-in before (so this time to display a grid of my photos) and as this plug-in asked to create, before, the gallery (so give a title and then we download the photos), so I thought yours was based on the same principle…!! (by the way I had tried others before yours for the videos and same principle…!!! (but unfortunately they only upload self-hosted videos) In short, I got trapped and really tore my hair out with that already that I don’t have much left… :-))
Small detail, the images (thumbnail) do not completely fill the frame..?? Again a big thank you (Great plug-in !!!) for your help… where are you located?
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Thanks for your reply. I’m happy to know that finally got the gallery working ??
Small detail, the images (thumbnail) do not completely fill the frame..??
Kindly try adding the following CSS code under “Appearance / Customize / Additional CSS” menu from your WordPress Admin Dashboard,
.aiovg .aiovg-responsive-container img:not(.aiovg-play), .aiovg img.aiovg-responsive-element { ? ? width: 100% !important; ? ? object-fit: cover; }
Hope this solved your issue!
In case the issue remains, kindly share with us a screenshot of your grid page. So, we can share you a fix accordingly. -
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
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