• Hello!

    In a site that was built like 1–2 years ago, I can no longer make edits with Oxygen builder on the templates that are translations made with Polylang.

    However, I can edit perfectly any page, also the ones that are translations. So the issue happens only in the Templates area, not the pages or posts.

    When I was building the site, there was ANY problem on editing those translated pages with Polylang + Oxygen. So I assume that the issue may have been produced with some update between when I was building it and now.

    This is what happens: when I try to edit with Oxygen any template that’s not in the main language of the site, I get an error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.

    I remember in the past having to edit the URL when editing Templates, so it could open the editor properly.

    For example, this is the URL I am trying to access https://siteurl.com/en/?ct_template=header-template-en&ct_builder=true

    When loading one of the / in /en/ disappear, and it becomes https://siteurl.com/en?ct_template=header-template-en&ct_builder=true. And that’s the moment it throws the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.

    I remember that deleting the /en/ on the URL would solve the issue. Accessing without the directory language name would work in the past. Like this: https://siteurl.com/?ct_template=header-template-en&ct_builder=true (because each template has a unique name after ?ct_template=… it would open the editor just fine).

    But this does no longer works!

    If I edit the main language (so there isn’t /en/, /fr/, in the URL), the editor works fine. But it is impossible to make any edit to any template that has been translated with Polylang.

    Oxygen support team has taken a look at it, and they have realized that if I change in Polylang the “URL modifications” from “The language is set from the directory name in pretty permalinks” (what I currently use) to “The language is set from content”, then the editor in the templates work as expected. But this changes the whole URL structure of the site, so it is not a solution.

    Can you please take a look to see what’s going on? Oxygen support hasn’t provided any solution, as they say it is related to Polylang.

    The site has become completely useless because I am not able to make any edit!

    I am willing to upgrade to Polylang Pro if it is an issue related only to the Polylang Free version. But I am not sure if the Pro version would really solve the problem.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you very much!!

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by knutstudio.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by knutstudio.
  • The topic ‘Issue editing Templates translated with Polylang in Oxygen Builder’ is closed to new replies.