Hi @jimon07 ,
Greetings. Thanks for reaching out. Hope you are doing well.
Regarding your query, You can get the image attribute loading=”lazy” by replacing the preset Template from our plugin. To do this you need to create a child theme first for your current theme. Then you need to create a folder under the child theme named “Template” and make sure you use the capital T. Under this folder please create another folder named “Woo-Product-Carousel” and please make sure the folder name is as it is given. Now under this folder, you have to copy the PHP file of the Preset style you are using from our plugin folder. For example – you are using Preset 1 then you have to go to the plugin folder and follow this path wp-content\plugins\essential-addons-for-elementor-lite\includes\Template\Woo-Product-Carousel and copy the preset-1.php file to the Woo-Product-Carousel folded you created under your child theme. If you are using another Preset please follow that preset file name accordingly.
Now, please rename the preset php file name as your own and open the file to edit and you will have to change the Template Name from there same as the preset php file name. Then scroll down and search for the code “, [‘loading’ => ‘eager’]” and delete the code and save the file.
For reference please check this screencast – https://d.pr/v/YF6CZv
Now if you try to Edit with Elementor and got to the EA Woo Product Carousel settings you will find the new Preset style with your setup name. Check this screenshot – https://d.pr/i/IYZKZv
Now you just select that Preset style and save and check it on the browser and you will find it’s getting the attribute for EA Woo Product Carousel image loading=”lazy”.
Hope this will help you out. Please let me know how it goes. I am here to assist you further.
Thanks and Regards.