Tracking multiple devices at the same time is possible, if you create a separate WordPress user for each device. Each user can only have one “live” track in Trackserver, because it it simply the track that was updated last.
Trackserver works with most clients (to use a more generic term) that use HTTP(S) to send location updates and have a configurable URL for that. The reason is, that it is a WordPress plugin.
Most cheap GPS trackers are tied to specific cloud services and as such do not work with Trackserver. A lot of small GPS trackers also do not use HTTP but often a proprietary TCP based protocol. To make non-HTTP devices work with Trackserver, you would need to write a middleware to translate the location updates to HTTP, or to get them into the database in some other way.
I hope this helps.
Cheers, Martijn.
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by