not counting dowloads
Downloads are not counting, counter remains at zero.
Today, I added a new download and I noticed the problem.I checked some older downloads and their are not counting either.
I checked the “download-monitor-reports” page and everything stopped counting on last June 10. I reverted to previous DM versions, with no results.
Please help !
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Helloooo …. anybody home ???
I have this plugin installed in 2 sites, both are behaving the same…
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
Alain Aubry.
Hello @caban13,
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Firstly, we genuinely appreciate your interest in our product and your continued use as a free user. However, we would like to bring to your attention that going forward, our support services will be exclusively available to our pro users.
Due to resource limitations, we are unable to offer personalized support at this time. Our team will continue to focus on enhancing the product itself and delivering new features that benefit all users, including free users like yourself.
I understand that this change may come as disappointing news, and I apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.
Please note that we have an extensive knowledge base which you can access at . These resources are designed to provide comprehensive information and answers to common queries, and we encourage you to explore them to find solutions to any concerns you may have.
Should you decide to upgrade to our pro plan, you will gain access to our premium support services, including priority assistance and faster response times. If you are interested in upgrading, please visit to explore our pro options.
We understand that this change may prompt further questions or feedback from you, and we welcome any thoughts you may have.
Thank you for your understanding! If you have any general inquiries or would like more information about our pro plan, please feel free to reach out to us at
Kind regards,
I cannot believe this !!!
This is the FIRST TIME I listen to something like this !
Then you should NOT be allowed to showcase your “product” in this community …
I am moving OUT, I am starting to use /another plugin/
I don’t care how much work I have to do to transform everything.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Yui. Reason: link to other plugin removed
@caban13 – I’m sorry to hear you’re disappointed. FWIW – Support or plugin updates are never guaranteed when choosing an open-source plugin. These plugins are delivered to users, and you can do with them whatever you see fit. (modify it, re-distribute it, etc. – as limited by the GPL licensing they’re released under).
Support on the free forums is a choice, not an obligation.I hope the BEST for you and your team !
We will leave this thread opened for the time being as it is possible though that someone on these forums might’ve had a similar issue, found a solution, and could help.
Thank you for your understanding.Warmly,
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
It is your option to provide or not support, but the issue it is not resolved, so please keep it that way.
I searched your KB, there is no topic than can be related to this issue.
@caban13 You need to understand that all support here, 100% of it, all code on this site, also 100% of it is completely free and provided on their own time. Any support here is unpaid and completely provided for out of the goodness of their hearts.
You are not a customer here. You never have been. At best you are an opensource collaborator attempting to help the community for free. Your replies show that you are not that and you seem to expect something.
If a developer completely ignores and does not reply to you then that is fine. You are not owed anything, not code, not support and not even a reply.
I suggest you set your expectations appropriately and adjust your tone. No one owes you support or needs to satisfy you.
@jdembowski thanks for your explanation, I fully understand it.
I am not a programmer, but I am a good troubleshooter. Some times they take 2 or 3 days to answer, maybe just a hint is enough to get you on track.
In seven years using this platform, I was never rejected this way. I am still in shock.
I my opinion, some basic support should be owed, because plugin authors get a tremendous visibility by showcasing their products in this site, like no other. They receive a great number of customers from here.
I my opinion, some basic support should be owed,
You are wrong. No one is compelled to do anything at all. Regardless of your reasoning, no one is owed anything here and never will be.
You have choices. You can remove the plugin from your use or, because it is opensource, you can modify the code as you see fit. You can even share those changes if you like. The license explicitly encourages that.
But please stop acting as if you are owed something. Especially as you do understand.
@jdembowski escuse but I am not wrong, It is my opinion. I am entitled to have one. Notice i said “should”.
it was agreed with @mplusb to leave this tread open, maybe someone comes with a solution …
@caban13: wie hast du das Problem gel?st? (bei mir z?hlt es mit: war 2227, nun 2228 Downloads auf der angegebenen Seite)
Evtl. in den Plugin Einstellungen > Advanced > Berichte > Ignore admin count ver?ndert?
Denn wenn das eingeschaltet ist, werden die Downloads nicht gez?hlt, welche du als Admin machst.
Aber ich glaube, das Problem lag woanders. Wo?@ Support:
Klar ist der Nutzer entt?uscht, wenn man ihm nach einer Woche blo? einen vordefinierten, allgemeinen Textbaustein gibt.
Und ein Verweis auf die KB ist deswegen nicht hilfreich, weil diese nicht mal die oben erw?hnte Einstellung beinhaltet.Man k?nnte aber wenigstens auf die Fehlerbehebung verweisen, wo weitere mehrere m?gliche Ursachen gelistet sind: SSL, Cache, …
It is resolved now, with one of the latests updated, I don’t know which one… but it is working, in both sites
@caban13 – great to hear!
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
- The topic ‘not counting dowloads’ is closed to new replies.