Issue using useInnerBlocksProps for custom block
I am trying to create an image slider with useInnerBlocksProps but, I can not get it to work. I am able to get the block to work when using InnerBlocks, but this adds unnecessary div wraps. The useInnerBlocksProps eliminates the divs.
The current issue is that I’m unable to get the useInnerBlocksProps to output my slider-images. The console shows that an array of image exist, but it’s not sending to the editor or save. I’m relatively new to creating custom blocks. I’d really appreciate some help. Thank you. My code below;
(function (blocks, blockEditor, components, i18n ) { const { createElement, Fragment, useState, useEffect } = wp.element; const { ToolbarGroup, ToolbarButton, PanelBody, SelectControl, RangeControl, ToggleControl } = components; const { InspectorControls, BlockControls, MediaPlaceholder, BlockIcon, MediaUpload, MediaUploadCheck, useBlockProps,useInnerBlocksProps, InnerBlocks } = blockEditor; const el = createElement; const { __ } = wp.i18n; const { createHigherOrderComponent } = wp.compose; blocks.registerBlockType('pixie/slider', { apiVersion: 2, title: 'Pixie Slider', icon: 'format-gallery', category: 'media', attributes: { images: { type: 'array', default: [], }, pixieId: { type: 'string', } }, supports: { html: false, align: true, spacing: { margin: [ "top", "bottom" ], padding: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { padding: true } }, __experimentalBorder: { color: true, style: true, width: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { color: true, style: true, width: true } } }, edit: function (props) { const { attributes, className, setAttributes, isSelected, clientId } = props; const { images } = attributes; const selectedImages = images || []; const hasSelectedImages = selectedImages.length > 0; const ALLOWED_BLOCKS = ['pixie/slider-image']; const MY_TEMPLATE =, index) => [ 'pixie/slider-image', { src: image.url, mediaId:, key:index } ]); const blockProps = useBlockProps( { className: 'pixie-wrapper' } ); const innerBlocksProps = useInnerBlocksProps( blockProps, { allowedBlocks: ALLOWED_BLOCKS, template: MY_TEMPLATE, orientation: "horizontal" } ); console.log(MY_TEMPLATE); console.log(innerBlocksProps); return el( Fragment, null, isSelected && el( BlockControls, null, el(ToolbarGroup, null, el(MediaUploadCheck, null, el(MediaUpload, { multiple: true, gallery: true, addToGallery: true, onSelect: function(newImages) { setAttributes({ images: newImages }); }, allowedTypes: ['image'], value: (image) { return; }), render: function (_ref) { var open =; return el(ToolbarButton, { onClick: open }, hasSelectedImages ? "Edit" : "Add"); } }) ) ) ), el( 'div', { className: className }, el( 'div', {...innerBlocksProps}, !hasSelectedImages && el(MediaPlaceholder, { labels: { title: 'Slider Images', instructions: 'Drag images, upload new ones or select files from your library.' }, onSelect: function(newImages) { setAttributes({ images: newImages }); }, accept: 'image/*', allowedTypes: ['image'], multiple: true, gallery: true, icon: el(BlockIcon, { icon: 'format-gallery' }) }) ) ) ); }, save: function (props) { const {className } = props; const newClassName = className || ''; const selectedImages = images || []; const blockProps = { className: 'pixie-wrapper' } ); const innerBlocksProps = blockProps ); return el( 'div', {...innerBlocksProps} ) ); } }); })(window.wp.blocks, window.wp.blockEditor, window.wp.components, window.wp.i18n);
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