since the last update the plugin no longer works, however, it only works when I am connected…
    Even changing wp rest api as well as ajax load nothing changes. Cache emptied and in private browsing, it’s the same! Can you see the concern, thanks

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  • Plugin Author Steve Truman



    please post a link to a page or post on your site where I can see the Page Views Count,

    Thank you


    Thread Starter Le chef Isidore


    HELLO,here is a page of my site where the counter”https://www.mesbonnesrecettes.com/recette/sauce-a-la-creme-aux-morilles/“as you can see the counter keeps ticking…on the other hand on the Mozilla browser it works well, but not on Chrome or Edge.

    Plugin Author Steve Truman


    Hello @isidore1964

    Thanks for the link.

    I looked and see that you have something that is applying caching for REST API. Most cache plugin will exclude caching from REST API url

    Please exclude from your cache


    You can see cache from this url (copy and Paste it into a browser


    It always show Total Views = 7

    if add any parameter to that url, for example


    It will show the correct number – in my case 17 Total views because the url with the ?abc=2 parameter is not cached.

    Thank you


    Thread Starter Le chef Isidore


    I have excluded the rest api from and /wp-json/* the cache, it’s ok it works in private browsing, but still not in normal… And I noticed errors in the console:
    Uncaught ReferenceError: vars is not defined
    at HTMLDocument. (pvc.backbone.min.js:1:26)
    at e (jquery.min.js:2:30158)
    att (jquery.min.js:2:30460)
    jquery.min.js:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: pvc is not defined
    at HTMLDocument. (pvc.backbone.min.js:1:1802)
    at e (jquery.min.js:2:30158)
    att (jquery.min.js:2:30460)
    I don’t understand where the errors come from, because before this update everything was working fine… Should I go back to find a good functioning?

    Thread Starter Le chef Isidore


    I just saw that the problem comes from the Autoptimize plugin once this plugin is disabled the counter works fine… On the other hand I don’t know how to configure it properly so as not to interfere with your plugin, a concern that there was not before!

    After searching I think I found it!
    in Autoptimize at JavaScript Options, I just unchecked Also defer JS in lines… and in script to exclude from autoptimize, I added its various scripts
    ” wp-includes/js/dist/, wp- includes/js/tinymce/, js/jquery/jquery.js, js/jquery/jquery.min.js”
    and the counter is working again now.

    The same problem after last update https://kossivakis.gr i make all i read here but all counters is stuck. How can I downgrade the version until the solution is found?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by mellonart.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by mellonart.

    First and foremost try to identify what is breaking things by just disabling CSS or JS or HTML or Image optimization (incl. lazyload). Based on that we can see what the next steps need to be ??


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