Because the SM developers have yet to add blocks for Audio, Video or Bible Verse, you have three options.
One is to NOT use any theme that uses the Site Editor.
Second is to wait until the SM developer(s) add those blocks. Good luck.
Third is to create a Single: Sermon
template. Then you will have to add a Code Snippet plugin (I use WPCode) to convert the php code to a shortcode. Once you’ve activated the plugin, you can copy/paste this to the Custom Code section:
if ( get_wpfc_sermon_meta( 'sermon_audio' ) || get_wpfc_sermon_meta( 'sermon_audio_id' ) ) : ?>
$sermon_audio_id = get_wpfc_sermon_meta( 'sermon_audio_id' );
$sermon_audio_url_wp = $sermon_audio_id ? wp_get_attachment_url( intval( $sermon_audio_id ) ) : false;
$sermon_audio_url = $sermon_audio_id && $sermon_audio_url_wp ? $sermon_audio_url_wp : get_wpfc_sermon_meta( 'sermon_audio' );
<div class="wpfc-sermon-single-audio player-<?php echo strtolower( \SermonManager::getOption( 'player', 'plyr' ) ); ?>">
<?php echo wpfc_render_audio( $sermon_audio_url ); ?>
<a class="wpfc-sermon-single-audio-download" href="<?php echo $sermon_audio_url; ?>" download="<?php echo basename( $sermon_audio_url ); ?>" title="<?php echo __( 'Download Audio File', 'sermon-manager-for-wordpress' ); ?>">
<svg fill="#000000" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns="">
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path>
<path d="M19.35 10.04C18.67 6.59 15.64 4 12 4 9.11 4 6.6 5.64 5.35 8.04 2.34 8.36 0 10.91 0 14c0 3.31 2.69 6 6 6h13c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5 0-2.64-2.05-4.78-4.65-4.96zM17 13l-5 5-5-5h3V9h4v4h3z"></path>
<?php endif; ?>
Then copy/paste you new shortcode to your Single: Sermon