Blog Posts Navigation
The blog post page is nice. However, when you press a blog post and the post page opens, there is no “return” or “back” button to navigate back to the list of blogs posts. (apart from at the end of the blog post there is a “Previous” button with an arrow, but there really needs be some navigation at the top too.
Something similar to this I think would make sense:
The default blog post list has “Home / Blog” at the top left above “In Blog”, but they don’t do anything, and when reading a post, there is no “Home / Blog” at the top.
When selecting for example the “demo” blog post “How to Stay Productive When Working From Home” you enter the post ok, but above the post title, there is only the word “Hacks”, which I assume is called a breadcrumb or something, but there’s no “Home” or “Back” or “Return” there.
I don’t know if this is something that we are best to implement manually using some plugin like Yoast (if it adds this functionality), but it would be great if you either implemented this, OR explained the best way to do it ourselves. Or make it a theme settings “option” that you can turn on or off.
I am happy to use a plugin to add the blog navigation if that is possible, but I don’t know which and I want it to work and look seamlessly with your Lemmony theme / Agency child theme, so best to follow any guidelines you have, or if you simply add it to a future theme update, so that instead of only saying “Hacks” it says something like this (formatting is just an example, ideally prettier than this example), perhaps wit the keywords like “Hacks” above it?
That’s the format I have on another website, so that you can easily go back to the list of blog posts.
At the moment, I have to press the browsers “back” arrow, or scrool all the way down to the bottom of post, or click “Blog” at top menu, both those options are not great for visitors.
If it can be added with Yoast, then you don’t need to do anything, but perhaps explain how to enable it?
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