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  • Plugin Contributor Marc Lacroix


    Hi Eduardo,

    it depends on when you execute your script, but you the configuration text is saved in the order Item meta.

    So when looping the order items, you can try this:

    $order_item->get_meta( 'Configuration' );

    You may need to replace Configuration if you use a custom label.


    Thread Starter edubellomo


    Thanks marc. If anybody needed it. I have written a function that extracts the product_name, sku, and product_quantity from the meta html contetn of the configurator.

    function extract_product_data_from_html($html)
        $product_data = array();
        // Create a new DOMDocument instance
        $dom = new DOMDocument();
        // Load the HTML content
        // Create a new DOMXPath instance
        $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
        // Find all the span elements with the class "mkl_pc-choice-name" that are not empty
        $choices = $xpath->query('//span[contains(@class, "mkl_pc-choice-name")][normalize-space()]');
        // Loop through the choices
        foreach ($choices as $choice) {
            // Get the product name
            $productName = $choice->textContent;
            // Get the parent div element
            $div = $choice->parentNode;
            // Get the SKU
            $sku = $xpath->query('.//span[contains(@class, "sku")]', $div)->item(0)->textContent;
            // Get the quantity
            $quantityNode = $xpath->query('.//span[contains(@class, "mkl-pc-form-value--arrow")]/following-sibling::text()[normalize-space()]', $div)->item(0);
            $quantity = $quantityNode ? intval(trim($quantityNode->textContent)) : 1;
            // Store the product data in an array
            $product_data[] = array(
                'name' => trim($productName),
                'sku' => trim($sku),
                'quantity' => $quantity
        return $product_data;

    This function can be called, for example, to generate an email that summarizes the content of a configuration.

    // Add a custom function to send an email when an order is placed
    add_action('woocommerce_checkout_order_processed', 'send_custom_order_email', 10, 3);
    function send_custom_order_email($order_id, $posted_data, $order) {
        // Get the shop admin email
        $admin_email = get_option('admin_email');
        // Set the email subject and content
        $subject = 'New Order Notification';
        $message = 'A new order has been placed.';
        // Loop through each item in the order
        foreach ($order->get_items() as $item_id => $item) {
            // Check if the item has the 'Configuration' meta content
            if ($item->get_meta('Configuration')) {
                // Extract product data from HTML using the extract_product_data_from_html function
                $html = $item->get_meta('Configuration');
                $product_data = extract_product_data_from_html($html);
                // Loop through the extracted product data
                foreach ($product_data as $data) {
                    // Get the product name, SKU, and quantity
                    $product_name = $data['name'];
                    $sku = $data['sku'];
                    $quantity = $data['quantity'];
                    // Add a new row for each product to the email content
                    $message .= "\n\nOrder ID: " . $order_id;
                    $message .= "\nItem Name: " . $product_name;
                    $message .= "\nItem SKU: " . $sku;
                    $message .= "\nQuantity: " . $quantity;
            } else {
                // Item does not have the 'Configuration' meta content, handle it accordingly
        // Send the email to the shop admin
        wp_mail($admin_email, $subject, $message);

    My actual goal is to further edit this code so that it also prints a txt file.


    Because we are actually processing our orders in a different system and exporting the order content to a separate file would make the import in our system easier.

    Plugin Contributor Marc Lacroix


    Hi Eduardo,

    Sorry I didn’t understand that you wanted those specific things.
    Because in that case, it’s probably safer and less resource intensive to use the data directly instead of the HTML.

    The data is stored in the meta _configurator_data.

    The data is an array containing objects of each configuration item.

    For example:

    // Loop through each item in the order
    foreach ($order->get_items() as $item_id => $item) {
      // Check if the item has the 'Configuration' meta content
      if ( $data = $item->get_meta( '_configurator_data' ) ) {
        foreach( $data as $configurator_item ) {
          $layer_name = $configurator_item->get_layer( 'name' );
          $choice_name = $configurator_item->get_choice( 'name' );
          $sku = $configurator_item->get_choice( 'sku' );

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Marc Lacroix.
    Thread Starter edubellomo


    Hi Marc,

    Thanks! this is useful. I have expanded the code to also include a Form field that codes the “Quantity” in a numeric variable.

    The code now prints the configuration in the email body but also adds a txt (tab delimited) with a few more information. I am sharing it in case someone needed it.

    // Add a custom function to send an email and generate a tab-delimited file when an order is placed
    add_action('woocommerce_checkout_order_processed', 'send_custom_order_email_and_file', 10, 3);
    function send_custom_order_email_and_file($order_id, $posted_data, $order) {
        // Get the shop admin email
        $admin_email = get_option('admin_email');
        // Set the email subject and content
        $subject = 'New Configuration Notification';
        $message = 'A new configuration has been discussed.';
        // Prepare the file content header
        $file_content = "order_id\tend_user_name\tend_user_surname\tend_user_email\tinstitute\tchoice_name\tsku\tquantity\n";
        // Get billing information
        $billing_first_name = $order->get_billing_first_name();
        $billing_last_name = $order->get_billing_last_name();
        $billing_email = $order->get_billing_email();
        $billing_company = $order->get_billing_company();
        // Loop through each item in the order
        foreach ($order->get_items() as $item_id => $item) {
            // Check if the item has the 'Configuration' meta content
            if ($data = $item->get_meta('_configurator_data')) {
                foreach ($data as $configurator_item) {
                    $layer_name = $configurator_item->get_layer('name');
                    $choice_name = $configurator_item->get_choice('name');
                    $sku = $configurator_item->get_choice('sku');
                    $text_field_choice = $configurator_item->get_choice('text_field_type');
                    if ($text_field_choice === 'number' && isset($configurator_item->field_value) && is_numeric($configurator_item->field_value)) {
                        $quantity = floatval($configurator_item->field_value);
                    } else {
                        $quantity = 1;
                    // Add a new row for each product to the email content if choice_name and sku are not empty
                    if (!empty($choice_name) && !empty($sku)) {
                        $message .= "\n\nOrder ID: " . $order_id;
                        $message .= "\nLayer Name: " . $layer_name;
                        $message .= "\nItem Name: " . $choice_name;
                        $message .= "\nItem SKU: " . $sku;
                        $message .= "\nQuantity: " . $quantity;
                        // Append row to the file content
                        $file_content .= $order_id . "\t" . $billing_first_name . "\t" . $billing_last_name . "\t" . $billing_email . "\t" . $billing_company . "\t" . $choice_name . "\t" . $sku . "\t" . $quantity . "\n";
        // Generate the file path and name
        $file_name = 'order_data_' . $order_id . '.txt';
        $file_path = ABSPATH . $file_name;
        // Write the file content to the file
        file_put_contents($file_path, $file_content);
        // Send the email to the shop admin with the attached file
        $attachments = array($file_path);
        wp_mail($admin_email, $subject, $message, '', $attachments);
        // Remove the temporary file
    Thread Starter edubellomo


    I am also marking this thread as resolved ??

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