• Today I started a new site – clean install of WP and all of the plugins. Unfortunately when I put in a word to find a related post, the little arrows go around and stop and no results show although I know that the one word that I put in is in the other post I am trying to find.

    I deactivated all my other plugins to see if there was a conflict – with no plugins except this one running it still didn’t pull any related posts.

    I also removed the latest version and installed an old version that I have – still no joy.

    Any ideas?


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  • Plugin Author microkid



    Hm I don’t know. Maybe you can find out what’s going on using the Firebug extension? Can you see if the mrp-search.php is called and what it returns?

    Thread Starter hauruapai



    GET https://successfulebaybusiness.com/wp-content/plu...p_s=bus&mrp_scope=3&mrp_post_type=post&mrp_id=22
    GET https://successfulebaybusiness.com/wp-content/plugins/microkids-related-posts/mrp-search.php?mrp_s=bus&mrp_scope=3&mrp_post_type=post&mrp_id=22

    404 Not Found

    for the microkids-related-posts.js file

    // This uses the JQuery library that comes with WordPress
    5 // Activate tabs
    7 current_tab = 1;
    8 $("#MRP_tabs .MRP_tab a").click(function() {
    9 $("#MRP_relatedposts .MRP_post_type").removeClass('MRP_current');
    10 $("#MRP_relatedposts .MRP_post_type").hide();
    11 $("#MRP_relatedposts .MRP_tab").removeClass('MRP_current_tab');
    12 tabToShowId = $(this).attr('rel');
    13 $(this).parent().addClass('MRP_current_tab');
    14 $('#'+tabToShowId).show();
    15 var parts = tabToShowId.split("-");
    16 current_tab = parts[parts.length-1];
    17 return false;
    18 });
    20 $(".MRP_search").bind( 'keydown', function(e){
    21 if( e.keyCode == 13 ){
    22 return false;
    23 }
    24 });
    26 var timer = 0;
    27 $(".MRP_search").bind( 'keyup', function(e){
    28 var id = $(this).attr('id');
    29 if( ( e.keyCode > 47 && e.keyCode < 91 ) || e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 13 ){
    30 clearTimeout( timer );
    31 timer = setTimeout( function() {
    32 MRP_search(id);
    33 }, 200 );
    34 }
    35 });
    37 $(".MRP_scope input").each( function() {
    38 $(this).change(function() {
    39 MRP_search($(this).attr('id'));
    40 });
    41 });
    43 function MRP_search(id) {
    44 var parts = id.split("-");
    45 var postTypeIndex = parts[parts.length-1];
    46 if( $("#MRP_search-"+postTypeIndex).val() != '' ) {
    47 var searchResults = "../wp-content/plugins/microkids-related-posts/mrp-search.php?mrp_s=" + encodeURIComponent( $("#MRP_search-"+postTypeIndex).val() );
    48 searchResults += "&mrp_scope=" + escape( $("input[name='MRP_scope-"+postTypeIndex+"']:checked").val() );
    49 searchResults += "&mrp_post_type=" + escape( $("#MRP_post_type_name-"+postTypeIndex).val() );
    50 if( $("#post_ID").val() ) {
    51 searchResults += "&mrp_id=" + escape( $("#post_ID").val() );
    52 }
    53 $("#MRP_loader-"+postTypeIndex).addClass("MRP_loader_active");
    54 $("#MRP_results-"+postTypeIndex).load( searchResults, '',
    55 function() { $("#MRP_results-"+postTypeIndex+" li .MRP_result").each(function(i) {
    56 $(this).click(function() {
    57 var postID = this.id.substring(7);
    58 var resultID = "related-post-" + postID;
    59 if( $("#"+resultID).text() == '' ) {
    60 $("#MRP_related_posts_replacement-"+postTypeIndex).hide();
    61 var newLI = document.createElement("li");
    62 $(newLI).attr('id', resultID);
    63 $(newLI).text($(this).text());
    64 $("#MRP_relatedposts_list-"+postTypeIndex).append( '<li id="'+resultID+'"><span>'+$(this).text()+'</span><span><a class="MRP_deletebtn" onclick="MRP_remove_relationship(\''+resultID+'\')">X</a></span><input type="hidden" name="MRP_related_posts[]" value="'+postID+'" /></li>' );
    65 $("#MRP_related_count-"+postTypeIndex).text( ( parseInt($("#MRP_related_count-"+postTypeIndex).text())+1 ) );
    66 }
    67 else {
    68 $("#"+resultID ).focus();
    69 $("#"+resultID ).css("color", "red");
    70 setTimeout('document.getElementById("'+resultID+'").style.color = "#000000";', 1350);
    71 }
    72 });
    73 });
    74 $("#MRP_loader-"+postTypeIndex).removeClass("MRP_loader_active");
    75 }
    76 );
    77 }
    78 else {
    79 $("#MRP_results-"+postTypeIndex).html("");
    80 }
    81 }
    84function MRP_remove_relationship( postID ) {
    85 jQuery(document).ready(function($){
    86 $("#"+postID).remove();
    87 $("#MRP_related_count-"+current_tab).text( ( parseInt($("#MRP_related_count-"+current_tab).text())-1 ) );
    88 if( $("#MRP_relatedposts_list-"+current_tab+" li").length < 2 ){
    89 $("#MRP_related_posts_replacement-"+current_tab).show();
    90 }
    91 });

    I am not too sure what else you want as I have not done much in firebug apart from css stuff, so if I need to do anything else just let me know – with a howto as well! *LOL*

    Thread Starter hauruapai


    Just done a full delete of the site then a clean install of WP – added the plugin and still get the same thing ??

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