For an image to show up in your homepage, what you will need to do is create a Custom Field.
-Click on the image you want to show on the homepage. Click edit image.
-Refer to the Link URL.
-It would look something like this: https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/image.jpg
– copy only the portion starting with wp-content. Therefore in the above example, you will copy wp-content/uploads/2010/02/image.jpg
-exit edit image
-scroll down to Custom Fields
-Click on Enter New, type in Image, then click Add Custom Field
-select drop down menu in the Name field and select Image. Paste wp-content/uploads/2010/02/image.jpg in the Value field. Finish by clicking on Add Custom Field.
-You will need to add a custom field evertime you want an image to show up in the thumbnails on the homepage. Since you have already created the custom field Image in the above steps, all you will need to do in new posts is to select Image from the drop down menu.
Hope this helps.
Compass 7 Inc
Providing Solutions to the 7 Continents.